DCRP is a roleplaying server for the DC universe. Roleplay as your favourite DC characters, participate in DC-related roleplaying events and meet a friendly community! Invite: https://discord.gg/sVCQTMw
Wumpus Advertising was established with the purpose to help your server grow at a rapid rate. We teach you and have information on how you can make the best out of your server. Most of our visitor were successful in following these simple steps. What do we offer ? Unlimited advertising of both your server and your social media BOTS that shows more than 1,000 servers No slowmode enabled Fun games Music Meet new and fun people What’s New ? We now support all of the following below : Dutch Chat Room German Chat Room French Chat Room Spanish Chat Room LGBTQ Chat Room
Twitch/Gamer Community. Everyone is welcome! You can just chat or catch pokémon, or just browse arround in the channel. Have fun <3 Special roles: ---Notifications--- @Jackbox Notify for Jackbox games @movie Notify for Movie nights @Giveaway Notify about giveaways ---Access to certain parts--- @SPOILERS Want to talk about a new movie/show, that's the place to be! @ARK @Diablo @Pokémon Pokécord ---Other--- @BIRTHDAY Set your bday @SPOTLIGHT You are in the spotlight for 1 week (stream promotions)
It's a wholesome ❤️ server for ppl who wanna talk or share something. We feature art, memes, ❤️wholesomeness❤️ and even a church. We have a broad selection of textchannels e.g. art, memes, playlists, sad-boi-hours and some introduction channels. Bots: You've found someone you really like in this server, you can marry or adopt them with our MarrigeBot. For the evantuality of beef accouring, you can fight it out in "Discord Duels" or "Russian Roulette" wich ever you prefer.
Extraterrestrial Intelligence è un luogo di ritrovo per giocatori in cerca di compagnia. La nostra community mira ad accomunare ragazzi con la stessa passione, quella per i videogiochi.
: Salut : :-Bien que tu regarde se message du coin de l'oeil je te fait une description détaillée de [Lukie] . : -C'est un serveur polyvalent . : -Nous travaillons sur l'ergonomie du serveur . : -Une communauté drôle . : -Une équipe de modération réactif . : -Des catégories assez diversifié et facile d'accès . : -Nous fesons des partenariats . : Plus on est fou plus on rit
A brand new 18+ server (with a JoJoBA theme) dedicated purely to chatting (probably about JoJo), making friends, sharing memories, and playing with the gaming bots! Current occupants are the lil ol' owner and her side salad, who are unhealthily obsessed with JoJo, Pokemon, Monty Python, and other assortments of anime and games. If you have similar interests, come on in!
Resonance est une communautés d'artistes et de spectateurs ! Pour s'amuser dans la joie et la bonne humeur. Pour les artistes(vidéaste, musicien, graphiste, ...) Le server vous permet de partager vos créations ! Aussi vous pouvez participer à de nombreux évènements (concours, challengs ...) :) Resonance fera tout pour vous accueillir dans de bonnes conditions et vous mettre en avant Pour les spectateurs Vous pourrez : - Assister à de nombreux évents et Découvrir de nouveaux artistes ^^
We offer: Rank up's with MEE6 Roblox Accounts so you can watch are Musicals, The stage, Where you can preform a act to the work, And Much More. Thank you If you join!!!