Do you own a Discord Server?


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Discord is an alternative to Teamspeak, where you can speak and chat with your friends. Everyone can create a server for free hosted by Discord. It works on computers, smartphones and even in the browser. You can download it here for free!

DiscordBee is a place, where you can find discord servers or add your own one to get more members. Watch our introduction video here.

Just add e.g. "english" to your search query.

Try to log in and off again and you should see your server. Otherwise contact us here.

You must be logged in and you can only downvote or upvote a server once per day. So choose wisely :)

You should add our bot to your server, if you want the current number of members and online users be displayed. Our bot will also fetch your available emojis and some other interesting information and activity statistics about your discord server. You can do it here or just use the "Invite Bot"-Button, when you edit your server. Every user can type "!bump" in a channel, where the bot has WRITE and READ permissions, to bump a server. If you are an owner, you can write a direct message to the bot to get a list of all your servers.

Make sure that the bot has READ and WRITE permissions in the channel, where you wrote "!bump".

The bot can only count messages from channels, where he has READ permissions.

The servers are sorted by the last bump, which means your server will be placed higher on the search result page. This applies also for the servers listed as hightlights on the start page. You will also get upvotes for bumping your server (up to 200 votes).

BeeCoins are our currency to get a premium membership.

You will be able to bump your server every 3 hours (without the annoying captcha). Your server will be shown on the start page, you will get an ""-icon in front of your name and your server gets a blue border on the server list page. Furthermore your invitelink will be listed as the example link, when someone adds a server (sorted by last bump).

Just go on your profile page, click on "Buy BeeCoins" and then choose the amount. Till now you can only use the PayPal checkout, but we will add more payment options soon.