Are you looking for a porn server to serve your needs and help you get your freak on? Come join Lucy's Paradise and take an icecold drink to enjoy your relaxing and naughty stay. - Must be 18+ - Active Staff, Active Channels - Self content Channels - Roles to fit your needs You think we can do better? Give us suggestions of what you think, so we can improve and make your horny self a fun time.
This is a SFW server for people who want a free-form roleplay that is chill and relaxing! Make your own story and make some friends. This server is brand new and I’m hoping to get some people in to get it started! 16+
This is a server where we would like people to come to and just chill, theres not really any limits to what you can say or do, we don't really care. Here we just chill and play games, not any specific ones, but the ones in the tags we play a bit more than usual. Once we have more people, we can start playing larger games. As of right now we only have local people we know IRL added but, we wanna get more people in so more doors can be opened
┏━━━━━━━━━━━━┓ 「 Pokémon Cafe 」??? ┗━━━━━━━━━━━━┛ ??????????? The Pokémon Cafe is a Pokémon themed server, dished up with beautiful aesthetics and friendly members. We are a server that is growing rapidly and we would love for you to visit our cafe. We offer: ? Gorgeous, Relaxing Aesthetics ? Pokémon Bots, Such As Varubot, PokéTwo, And MewBot ? Optional Pokémon RP For Those Interested, Including An Original Lore Written/Created By Our Co-Owner ? Memes, Games, Music ? Partnerships, PM/AM Opportunities, Moderator Opportunities ? Beautiful Emojis, Animated & Non-Animated ? Perks For Boosting Our Server/Inviting Members ? Giveaways ? Anime Channels It Would Be A Pleasure To Serve You. ?⭐️
╔═══════════════╗ Manic Paradise ╚═══════════════╝ This is a small community that offers a relaxing and enjoyable atmosphere, allowing members to actually connect with one another rather than be ignored in an overwhelmingly active chat. (Staff applications now open) Find someone(s) to chill with Nitro giveaway at 400 members (excluding bots) Nightly vcs and active chat Friday game nights Fun bots, selfies & pets channel
╔═══════════════╗ Manic Paradise ╚═══════════════╝ This is a small community that offers a relaxing and enjoyable atmosphere, allowing members to actually connect with one another rather than be ignored in an overwhelmingly active chat. (Staff applications now open) Find someone(s) to chill with Nitro giveaway at 400 members (excluding bots) Nightly vcs and active chat Friday game nights Fun bots, selfies & pets channel
Hey everyone we're a comic server focused on enjoying the medium while also respecting people's tastes. Come join us for some relaxing comic book talk :)