╔═════.ლ ? ლ.═════╗ ??????? ╚═════.ლ ? ლ═════╝ ```diff -Come join us, you wicked people ``` ```xl 'Why should you join us?' ``` ```asciidoc = We are hosting Nitro Giveaways = = We have really good security protection = = We are hosting lot‘s of events = = And we are really chill and non toxic community = = Fast growing, currently at 1k members = ``` ```fix »»--INFORMATION --«« ``` __**Owners**__:<@354627995807252480> <@592695004279996426> __**Non-expired link**__ : https://discord.gg/r8mNDjr | https://discord.st/deliora __**Server Banner**__ : https://gph.is/2zURn2M __ **Back-up server link**__ : https://discord.gg/PRS84Tx
A server where you can find new friendly players,play with them and talk about your favorite games. you can find many intresting features like: >>Role assign system. >>Pro players stream notification. >>Timetight in games such as: CS: GO, Dota 2,LoL as well as in other games! >>Listening to music (from Spotify,YouTube,etc) with your friends. >>game updates and patch notes details. >>24/7 Radio >>YouTube uploads... >>Meme and fun... AND MANY OTHER THINGS...
♜We are all just pieces in a huge game of chess♜ ♜Do not fear this little server♜ ♜Welcome you to Chess♜ This server includes: ♛Friendly Community♛ ♛Many different text channels♛ ♛A music channel♛ ♛Self-assignable roles♛ ♛Leveling up roles♛ ♛And more!♛ https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/583804164224843796/584603106139176980/chess.gif
Auf diesem Server geht es um den Minecraft Server GrieferGames.net. Du musst GrieferGames.net aber nicht kennen, denn wir haben auch viele andere dinge die nichts mit GrieferGames.net zu tun haben. Was wir bieten: 24/7 Musik Aktiven Server Freundliche Supporter Viele Bots mit großartigen Funktionen Viele Sprach Chanel Verkaufs Chanel für GrieferGames.net Info wenn ein GrieferGames.net YouTuber ein Video hochgeladen hat Das Team von Griefer Games freut sich auf euch.
? Wir sind Seelensilber, die LGBTQ+ Gaming Community. Egal welche Sexualität, jeder ist hier herzlich willkommen. ---------------- Was es bei uns zu aufzufinden gibt! ?|- S U P P O R T - Du hast ein Problem? dann wirst du von einem 24h7std aktivem Serverteam unterstützt ?|- R O L L E N - M E N U - Du kannst dir selber deine eigenen Rollen zuweisen. ?|- 1 8 + - Du kannst von 14-18 Jahren auf unserem Server viele ----------------
☆ Halaus 24/7 Support ☆ Halaus 24/7 support is an active support server that allows people with all differences to join and gain the support they need without delay. The mods, owner and people there to support are almost always active and are willing to listen to your problems to help solve them. This server also allows you to connect with people through different mediums, whether it’s general talk, art or similar interests.
??????? ?????? ™ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ? Active • Friendly • Non-toxic community • 24/7 ? Fun, useful & music bots ? gaming • LFG • deals ? Media • Movies & Series • Technology channels • And more ? Regular events • Music Parties • Gaming Parties ? Partnership ? ADVERTISING CHANNELS ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ✅Give it a try and join us, you may even like it here! ?