So... They asked me to make a description so here I go: Hello, Hello and HELLO- You know what? Fu** that. The title says it best; We are Home Alone, a cozy little community of individuals who do not necessarily fit well within society. We may cause mayhem or even burn one or two of your brain cells- but HEY, we are still pretty "nice". Yeaa.. Say that to my agent. In any case, if you wanna have fun and get into deep conversations without any real interest to them, you are free to join us.
Hey! and Welcome to Cozy! A fun public community server where you can chat, sing-along, play video games and meet new friends from across the globe. Please take time to read the rules and regulations of our server before joining any of the channels. Thank you! To also unlock other channels to this server you will need to go to #roles and then React to the Server Role to earn your @Regular Tag.