Eternia is a community server that will keep you updated about your favorite manga/anime , including manga/anime discussions & suggestions (over 120 for each) . We're cool dudes from everywhere in the world , come have fun with us
--WELCOME!-- what is epic kinnies? ----- epic kinnies is a otherkin/fictionkin/therian server! copinglink/otherhearted/etc. are welcome as well! just no factkin please please be 13+ to join this server! ---- ENJOY YOUR STAY!
The Lounge. Ahhh the wonders of a lounge. They're meant to be relaxing fun environemtns where your able to speak freely and make new friends. This is why we named our server the Lounge as it fits this description. We welcome players from all gaming genres and even thoughs who are just looking for some people to talk to. We have a great active playerbase with a 24/7 staff team at your call and beckoning.
The Lounge. Ahhh the wonders of a lounge. They're meant to be relaxing fun environemtns where your able to speak freely and make new friends. This is why we named our server the Lounge as it fits this description. We welcome players from all gaming genres and even thoughs who are just looking for some people to talk to. We have a great active playerbase with a 24/7 staff team at your call and beckoning.
Welcome to egg in purse, a place to join if you either HAVE egg in purse or WANT egg in purse. Only one egg distributed per member, purse not included. NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY LOSS OF EGG, LIMB, BAG OF MUTILATED FLIP FLOP PARTS OR