Welcome to my basement! We're a small group of friends who chill and shitpost together. Sometimes we get a bit lewd, that's why we're only accepting people who are 15 and older. If you're looking for a wholesome, friendly and non toxic environment, this is the right place for you! We're also hella gay ?️?
Everything, gaming, tech, memes, fun, music all in one server. A high level of professionalism & A-grade security are both guaranteed to be delivered if you join the server. Community suggestions, polls, free self promotion and more things you'll only find out upon joining the server. The server belongs to Arabianonymous, he has a YouTube channel, his uploads get posted automatically to the server, his links, downloads, accounts and everything have been moved from his website to the server.
WeSupport is a community made for helping others with emotional support. We thrive to help others, and we won't change from that. All the donations collected are very much appreciated, and we are happily accepting them all the time.
[FR] Xuhia, le serveur fait pour les membres. Si tu es seul, ou que tu t'ennuies, ou encore tu as l'envie de rencontrer de nouvelles personnes, passe nous voir, nous t'accueillons. Anime, Mangas, Art, et bien plus ! Nous vous proposons des événements rigolos et une communauté très chaleureuse. Venez comme vous êtes, vous trouverez votre bonheur chez nous c:
Checkpoint: Echo is for the inspection of each user who wishes to enter the main server. Upon passing inspection, you will be granted access to The Empire. Hope to see you here. The Empress Ech0 welcomes you wholeheartedly. - Hail The Empire
Bienvenue sur Sengo, un serveur communautaire ? Mais qu'est-ce que c'est, Sengo, c'est comme les autres ? Et bien non. C'est un serveur d'events et de chill ou l'on organise fréquemment des parties de jeux divers et variés ou tout le monde a accès, comme du RP (Loup Garou) des jeux.io, etc... Nous avons pas seulement cela, mais d'autres channels divers et variés (comme comment créer son serveur Discord). Nous recrutons aussi des animateurs actifs, et peut-être du staff.