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Votes: 201
The Tavern Video Calls
We are a fun break for adults (18+), with videocall parties, party games, and everyone is face-on-camera. We are drink/smoke friendly, no hard drugs on cam, please. Strangers become friends and for many, we're a second family. We love meeting people so please give The Tavern a try! Anxious or a bit shy? Newcomers feel most welcome in The Tavern! RULES: - MUST be face on cam in our calls, no exceptions. Use phone with computer if needed. - MUST be an adult (18 or older), speak coherent English

bumped 13 minute(s) ago

Votes: 201
Welcome to BILIQGAMER™ Shop Discord Server ~~Experienced & Trustworthy MMORPG Services, Since 2005~~ Games We Cover: ~Lost Ark US/EU ~Tarisland Gold ASIA/NA/EU ~Throne & Liberty Lucent KR/GLOBAL ~ArcheAge War Diamond/Gem ~ WoW GameTime 60 Days Code US ~World of Warcraft SOD US and some EU, and many more trending MMOs! ~~Enjoy Your Favorite Games, and Let Us Do The Rest For You 🛒~~ Add DISCORD: biliqgamer Server:

bumped 1 hour(s) ago

Votes: 204
Golden Funhouse
AN NSFW community, we got femdom, tomboys, muscle babes, furries and many more kinks and fetishes, we're furry and LGBT friendly come join us.

bumped 4 hour(s) ago