Hello There, I'm Orion this is my community discord for those who are wondering Come Chill with the community, talk about music,movies art and plenty of other things!
Welcome to the Politics and Debates Discord server! We are a political server. We speak about politics, economics, history and current events in the world. We have many exciting things which will be explained in following points. We have limited rules, no censorship, and equal amount of moderators from each side of the political spectrum to stop bias. We have over 100 ranks to choose from as well
The Authorities is a casual gaming community looking for members of all experience levels. Come join us in creating a lasting bastion of video games and nerdy banter about tech, anime, and other assorted geek things. Help us expand into new games, and enjoy playing in the ones we already support. Our members play a variety of games including Final Fantasy XIV, Destiny 2, Atlas, Ark, Apex, Path of Exile and more. Come join us, make friends and play some games. We also have a partnership deal with the following servers. Who we coordinate with to host events, get togethers and various activities to provide content and entertainment for members. Fate/Chat https://disboard.org/server/473112918200942592 Deviant Lounge https://discord.gg/c3AVwcd ****Monthly rewards and giveaways**** We are looking for a recruiting officer. You will paid for your time and efforts. Contact TA discord staff if interested and for payment negotiation.
Whether you are looking for a place to find new friends, or looking to do some networking, ByteBox has you covered. We provide a space to do all things gaming related, and plan to offer many servers for our members to play on. Perfect for those looking for a server with active staff and a friendly community!!
What we have ? : -Giveaway channel dari sumber yang terpercaya -Tempat ngajak main bareng -Support voice chat room buat game DotA 2, Mobile Legends, Apex Legends dan Warframe -Support stat bot untuk game DotA 2 dan Apex Legends (Bot profile checker dan fungsi lainnya) -advertisement channel -Banyak bot game -Role leveling yang sangat unik -Self role assignment -Staff yang ramah ramah -Dan masih banyak lagi :) note: foreigners can join with foreigner role, it doesnt meant to be racist
Draconic Correctional Facility is located inside a wormhole which connects the dimensions of the Darkspel medieval dimension and the Sietnyas Sci-Fi dimension. The correctional facility is governed by the IDJA (Inter-Dimensional Justice Authority) who manages inmates who harbour questionable or unethical sentences in their own dimensions as well as to acting as a normal prison for them. Due to the instability of the wormhole the correctional facility is located, there is a magical infection with no certain origin which is referred to as “corruption magic.” Corruption magic severely affects the mental state of anyone it infects with magical or abnormal properties such as spontaneous generation and control over fire. Welcome to draconic correctional, A semi-serious roleplay server We are a state-of-the-art facility (RP server) where you can roleplay your time in prison where the weird and wacky happen daily! It is running by a teenage dragon hybrid, and has characters such as the angsty teen clay, Or the relaxed and calm kitsune dragon kitsune! We also have a commissary section where you can buy things like you’re not even in prison, we even have special jobs such as a cult, a VR game designer! The prison is separated into both sci-fi and medieval wings. So, we only accept these kinds of inmates. However currently due to a influx of scifi inmates. we only accept medieval. Sorry for any inconvenience. We also have a economy system! Come join now! Its better than most prisons. Trust us! https://discord.gg/QA2xWW8 https://discord.me/dracojail Lore: https://pastebin.com/cKU640A9
This server is a fun place to hang out. We have games, a rank up system, and ways to become a moderator for the server. You can talk a lot what ever you want and we have chats for political, gaming, nsfw, and many more things so come and join!