Hello weary travelers, and welcome to ***The Tavern & Inn!*** The goal of this community is to keep a supportive and warm atmosphere, make new friends, and find people with similar interests. Whether you like art, music, gaming, writing, photography, or anything else, The Tavern & Inn has a place for you! There are a lot of servers out there that are filled with drama, pettiness, and just overall ridiculousness, but here at The Tavern, we just want to keep things as relaxed as possible.
Your average best bestest place in the world with almost no rules that you can find anywhere but this is somehow special because reasons.We have around 600 users and have an active while its daytime in america , but only you can change that too xDDDDDDDD . Okay. Please use proper channels and besides that you can whatever you want , except advertising without the admins approval .
You average best best place in the world with almost no rules that you can find anywhere but this is somehow special because reasons.We have around 600 users and have an active while its daytime in america , but you can change that too xDDDDDDDD . Okay. Please use proper channels and besides that you can whatever you want , except advertising without the admins approval .
DSG - (Die) Deutsche Streaming Gesellschaft ist eine Gesellschaft von Streamer mit geprüftem Qualitätsstandard. Der Nutzen einer solchen Gruppierung ist es, in einem Moderiertem Raum Streaming-Partner zu finden,kennen zu lernen und eventuelle gemeinsame Projekte zu Planen. Solange die Qualität deines Streames gut ist, werden wir dich aufnehmen.
Hello and welcome ^^ Flames of green (FoG for shot) is a lesbian hangout place full of lovely people. We got ? Lovely community ? everyone is really friendly and tolerant. You will be able to find yourself at home and quite a few friends before you even notice! ? Green Maid ? a lovely little homemade bot and server mascot. With her silly chatter, she is quickly becoming a community favourite. She can also get quite lewd in nsfw chats for those interested ?. and more!
| Who we are | --- Hello! My name is Everett, or you can call me Ronin. I've made this discord so that others around the world can have fun, talk, chill and just have a great time in general. I do hope that people get along. If they aren't, that is their problem. They can't stop us from not having fun :smile: Make friends, find interests, communicate, and just have fun! We at the staff team are also very open to suggestions, so don't hesitate to submit one in #suggestions. ---
Suchst du eine autarke Community, weil du Auswandern oder Urlaub im Ausland machen möchtest? Südamerika wird dir sehr gefallen. In Bolivien findest du eine fantastische Gemeinschaft wo du dich krisensicher aufstellen kannst, denn Krisenvorsorge ist uns sehr wichtig. Die Grundstücke sind sehr günstig (im Vergleich zu ähnlichen Projekten) und die einzigen Voraussetzungen sind dass du positiv bist und ein wenig Spanisch Kenntnisse wären von Vorteil, aber dazu wird es auch intern Kurse geben =)
Have you been looking for a place to get ideas for projects, A place to ask questions about coding, or just a server list filler? Byte Frenzy is for you. We offer many places to advertise, find ideas, and even get peoples thoughts on projects!