Stack Hub is a video (or voice) call based coding Q&A platform! If you've been struggling with a bug for a while and online resources aren't enough, post a question or DM someone in the community to get real-time help! We're trying to grow this server so all levels of devs can interact in higher level of communication and help each other. Also for contributors, you can ask for small favors (a follow, retweet, etc.) while contributing to the community! #payitforward
The antisocial garbage disposal is a fun place to be. With both gaming VCs and Chat VCS you can talk to anyone. If you dont like to talk theres no mic chat. From channels ranging from general, to face reveals, to memes and art this server is made for social interatction without even going outside! Groovy will help you with the music you want in VC and Owo will assist in having more fun if youre not already! An NSFW channel is included for all you horn dogs. Rules of course will be expected to be followed. This channel trys to have events on every week to have fun with and give you something to look forward to! New channels and roles will also be created if asked for! We hope you choose the antisocial garbage disposal server !
U can have fun here, chill, ask someone to game with, u can talk to us, join the voice chat, do whatever u want. Any trouble. Please contact the admins.
U can have fun here, chill, ask someone to game with, u can talk to us, join the voice chat, do whatever u want. Any trouble. Please contact the admins.
We are a small community that is looking to get more people. we are an LGBTQ+ friendly place, we prefer 17+ but if your younger you can join but you won't be in a lot of chats. there is a roleplaying aspect but it's not mandatory. We are an anime community and we take all sorts of anime lovers into our server!! We love to have all types of people on our server! we have a place for you to showcase your art and writing skills!
Hejo, w imieniu całej administracji serwera chciałbym Cię, zaprosić na serwery oraz nasze forum Co oferujemy? 「? 」» Miłą atmosfere 「? 」» Doświadczoną administracje 「? 」» Dużo dopracowanych serwerów CS GO i CS 1.6 「?」» Ładny i czytelny wygląd serwera 「?」» Ekonomia serwera (ciagle ja rozwijamy o nowe itemy w sklepie) 「?」» Możliwość zawarcia współpracy
You may be asking, "what is this server about?" Well you see it's all about socializing and having a great time! We support anybody and everybody and their dreams! We are massive weeb/anime convention club type server. Roles and much more will be available soon! I'll keep you all updated in announcements any questions you have there will be a channel for it just ping me or my friends and question helpers or you can just ask a community member to! Don't be shy to!
Hello! This Server is based on Gaming and Gaming with Others! Future Updates and Open to Suggestions. About our server: - Our server is SFW(no porn, gore and racial slurs) - We got friendly members. - We got channels for sharing your art such as music and drawings. - Bots that you can have fun with and more. Join today and be part of our lovely community. Btw, we can be kinda cringe sometimes so.. join at your risk. :))