────────────── ??????? ?? ?????? ────────────── ༄ Brand new server ✓ ༄ 2:1 Female/Male ratio ✓ ༄ Music & Memes ✓ ༄ Media ✓ ༄ Self-Promotion ✓ ༄ Active partnerships ✓ ༄ NSFW bots in NSFW ✓ ༄ LGBTQ+ friendly ✓ ────────────── Y’all need anything else? Join below and enter our easy-going community☟ https://discord.gg/yWBkd3T
Shinobi Story is a Roleplay / PvP /Sandbox RPG in which you can make your own shinobi & truly customize them to whatever you want! We have a lot of exciting features- ranking up through the ninja system, learning powerful jutsu, being able to rise to a position of leadership among your fellow players, betray your village to chase power, explore our large world, and even permanently kill other players, to name a few things!
Ce serveur est un outil d'aide à la création . Il a pour bute de rassembler créateur et créatrice de tout type (écrivain(e), dessinat(eur/rise), musicien(ne), développeur, ... ) dans l'objectif de mettre au jour des projets en tout genre. Que ce soit un projet personnel sur le quel vous avez besoin d'un avis ou d'aide, ou même une idée que vous trouvez intéressante, ce serveur est la pour ça. Rassembler et lier projets et concept(eur/rise)s pour ouvrir le champ des possible.
Vengeance Patriote est une initiative patriote ayant pour but de faire changer les choses en passant par le développement personnel dans un cadre nationaliste. Issu du mouvement MTE (MonteTonEquipe), nous organisons des rencontres culturelles, sportives et politiques. Notre but commun : se bouger, évoluer ensemble tout en faisant bouger les choses.
Heya, Syn here with a hangout server. Read some information below to know a bit about our server features. Server Features, -Friendly members || Staff team, -Self-roles, -Extra step to become Verified as a user, -Music bots, levelling bots, SlotBot and some more, -Selfies channel, NSFW channels, Suggestions channel and Introductions channel. (Please note that this server was created at 13-10-2019; may undergo maintenance). || [Currently editing as of 21:43PM GMT || 21-11-2019].
Azul's Realm is a community bot server. Azul is an RPG bot that is in progress of becoming public for any discord server. Azul currently has an RPG styled currency system, different types of raffles, 1 click shops with items and an inventory! The bot will offer servers lots of features that mainly still underdevelopment. Join now, to be apart of the alpha version of the bot.