This server is an NSFW server where you can share or request all types of NSFW Pictures, videos, gifs, or NSFW art that you have created! Whether its from anime, games you like (fortnite, league, overwatch, etc.) and discuss things that are generally NSFW aswell with hopefully a community that will grow and always have a place to post what they want and discuss what they want! This is a place for people who enjoy sharing pictures or gifs with others!
Somos una comunidad de gaming. Nos gusta Elder scrolls online y otros juegos tambien. ¿Te gusta el anime?¿Te gustan los Memes?¿Sos un furro?¿Odias fortnite? este es tu server
This is a fun??gaming server some of the games we do in the server are fortnite,Minecraft,overwatch,Roblox,apex legends if you want a different game you can DM the owner and get them to add it. Why are you waiting just join and see for yourself?
This is a fun??gaming server some of the games we do in the server are fortnite,Minecraft,overwatch,Roblox,apex legends if you want a different game you can DM the owner and get them to add it. Why are you waiting just join and see for yourself?