Eternia is a community server that will keep you updated about your favorite manga/anime , including manga/anime discussions & suggestions (over 120 for each) . We're cool dudes from everywhere in the world , come have fun with us
Bienvenue sur le discord Cyberpunk 2077 Communauté FR. Ici se assemble la communauté francophone fan du travail de CD Projekt autour de discussions et d’infos sur Cyberpunk 2077.
Founded by the author of 'God Rising: The Cult of Ainz' this is a server for fans, readers, writers, and artists to get together in a positive and supportive community to enjoy ourselves. Post fan art, get stories beta read, and enjoy living readings and discussions.
Shot a 5 second film? Maybe a full feature?! Animation? This is the place for you! Are you seeking DaVinci Resolve / Fusion help? Do want to learn about Blackmagic Products? Show off your gear? Show off your work and get honest opinions? Community challenges! [Grade My .DNG] A channel where others color grade YOUR RAW stills! Cinematography help Production help Custom Roles / Chat rewards Movie discussion Film and BMD related memes
```"Le meilleur des mondes" est un serveur visant à réunir un maximum de personnes. Ayant pour objectif la discussion sur tout et rien, les arrivants obtiendront leur premier rôle "Gamma" auquel ils auront la possibilité de monter en niveau et donc en grade (Alpha, Beta, etc..) ;``` ```Des bots extraordinaires ! ;``` ```Des débats sont planifiés, organisés et structurés ;``` ```La liberté d'expression est des plus totales ;``` ```Un salon NSFW est à disposition ;``` ```Une catégorie exclusivement réservé au jeu d'échecs, ou des tournois avec des récompenses à gagner sont disponibles ;``` ```La possibilité d'y partager sa publicité pour son serveur ;``` ```Des jeux tels que "action ou vérité" sont organisés! ;``` ```Pour les croyants, la possibilité de partager sa foi avec les autres membres ;``` ```Une sécurité des plus totales grace au bot Raidprotect!```
On this server, you can discuss all aspects of dieting, including weight loss, fitness, and general self-care . We also have dedicated discussion channels for the most popular diets. Join us at the following link!
Hello and welcome! Apologetics Digital is a small, Christian server that is devoted rationally justifying the faith. Both Christians and non-Christians are welcome to join the discussion. Because we strive for a cordial atmosphere, we don't have rules; just follow your common sense and you will probably be alright. Cheers!
this is a server is for general discussions about anything, we don't judge! we won't babysit anyone or kick/ban/mute you for being toxic so get in there and do wtf you want! bots: mee6 (premium), pokecord, dankmemer, notsobot, shinonbu (a nadeko clons with more commands), giveawaybot, simple poll, rythm, rythm 2, dyno, color-chan, and we have a crunchyroll webhook feel free to recommend bots!!