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⚔REAME⚔? Gaming?
■□¤▪Server discord▪¤□■                ?| Gaming |?                  ? | Social |?                    ? | Fun |? -- **Chi siamo**: -- Siamo un progetto che vuole raggiungere le vette del discord italiano, abbiamo già un server base, roleplay, con 500 membri più. Ora sbarchiamo anche nel'ambito del gaming, e vogliamo sbarcarci con il botto.

bumped more than one week ago | 0

Votes: 0
Hi! Our server is all about having fun and having people to talk to! Our topics are based on gaming, daily things, and fun! Rules: NO Swearing , no spamming, and not allowed to send off topic based messages or links/pics vids, in the wrong channels! It would help a ton if you joined our server!

bumped more than one week ago | 0

Votes: 0
GermanSneakrs ist ein deutscher Sneaker-Server, welcher Aktuelle Releases, Restocks und Gewinnspiele beinhaltet. Auf unserem Server wirst du immer auf den neusten Stand im Bereich Sneaker sein. Wir bieten: ?Early Links ?Restock Infos ?Gewinnspiele ?Tipps und Tricks

bumped more than one week ago | 0

Votes: 1
? ? ? ? ? ? ?
? ? ? ? ? ? ? Witam drodzy obywatele! Chciałbym was zaprosić na serwer z miłą i aktywną administracją, dużą ilością ogarniętego LSPD! Bardzo dobrymi mechanikami oraz medykami! Nasz serwer oferuje wam miłe spędzony czas i wysoki poziom RP! Co u nas znajdziesz ? - Autorskiego bota - Zabezpieczenia na discordzie - Ogar adm - Pomocna adm - I wiele więcej :) Gra : Fivem

bumped more than one week ago | 0

Votes: 0
⭕Wumbo Circle
Though our community is small we're trying to add more to the family. Our goal is to help each other weather it be positive inspiration, technical help, or simply a place to share your thoughts and chill with others. We also have a self-promoting area and special events and a resource center.

bumped more than one week ago | 0

Votes: 0
Cancer Zone
We are a meme server that allows free speech and we are non strict, we don’t have a lot of rules. We have memes, cursed images, nsfw, rooms for multiple topics (anime, gaming, politics, etc), end rooms for photos and selfies. We aren’t strict and aren’t easily offended, we believe in free speech and fun, so come join us

bumped more than one week ago | 0

Votes: 0
We are a new and growing GTA RP community! We are here to create an immersive world created by nobody else but you! Games are hosted on Xbox. Our priorities are Realism, Professionalism, and lastly have fun! To ensure our games and servers run smoothly, we have a moderation team that is always there for you. Let your friends know about us! Join our discord for RP announcements and follow our Instagram to see pics from our RPs!

bumped more than one week ago | 0

Votes: 0
Pigeons' Realm 2 (The better one)
Wanting to express your love for pigeons but nobody wants to hear from you? Then join Pigeons' Realm where you can talk about pigeons all you would like! We are also a community for memes and just chilling! :punch: Puns! :tada: Events and more! :yawning_face: Global Emojis! Join Now!

bumped more than one week ago | 0

Votes: 0
The Social Lounge
-+- The Social Lounge -+- Hey! My friend Michael and I have a new club-themed community discord server! Everything is club-themed and lit, including the roles; the starter one is legit "Whiteclaw" LOL. :tropical_drink: We are making the server to connect people with each other, in a comfortable and fun manner. This allows friendships to be made and fun experiences to be had! We're lenient, yet secure and comfortable. No judgement zone! Completely chill vibezzzzzz. We've been working on it for awhile - and it's finally ready. Join us today! ❤️ + Many chat-rooms such as: gaming, courtyard, balcony, snapchat, selfies, and more! + A whole bunch of voice chat-rooms + Occasional community events ? + Music rooms (and a bot for music) ? + Fun and lit staff ? + Social media self-promotion rooms ?️ + Gambling/games ? + Currency ? + XP ?️ + and more!

bumped more than one week ago | 0

Votes: 1
Vinland Saga
Welcome to Vinland Saga Server Here we Talking about vinland saga and other anime such as demon slayer. We also Upload Vinland Saga Episodes each Sunday. We also Have Unique Roles from Vinland saga Ranks and Demon Slayer. Thank you for joining

bumped more than one week ago | 0