Die Gaming Lounge ist ein Multigaming Discord mit einer positiven Stimmung und derzeit Channels zu folgenden Games: PUBG, LOL; ARK:SE, ETS2, GTA Online und Warframe.
The National Niggy Association was created by Serbian refugees during the 2nd Balkan War who sought peace in the world, they later decided to form an organization dedicated to ensuing said peace with anime. How that makes sense, nobody knows.... FEATURING: - A day-by-day as it happened retelling of World War 2 - An active and supportive community - Plenty of artwork and artists waiting to give feedback - A democracy YOU can be apart of!
⭐️ Reaction Roles for every class, gamemode, and playstyle! ⭐️ Exclusive chats just for people like you! ⭐️ Active community and growing staff team! ⭐️ Community game nights and giveaways! ⭐️ SFM contests and showcases! ⭐️ Marketplace for TF2 and not TF2 things for keys & scrap! ⭐️ Partnership Program ⭐️ Nitro Boosting ⭐️ Team Building ⭐️ Advertising Chats ⭐️ No Donor Elitism or Roles ⭐️ No Drama ⭐️ No Abusive Staff ⭐️ Second Chance Events for banned members ⭐️ Fair punishments
this is a server is for general discussions about anything, we don't judge! we won't babysit anyone or kick/ban/mute you for being toxic so get in there and do wtf you want! bots: mee6 (premium), pokecord, dankmemer, notsobot, shinonbu (a nadeko clons with more commands), giveawaybot, simple poll, rythm, rythm 2, dyno, color-chan, and we have a crunchyroll webhook feel free to recommend bots!!
hi I would like you to join the anime Discord server anime french fries we do things such as Talent Night on Thursday (I dont have no talent) We Have a music bot so you can listen to music & We have a art channel. So I hope you will join are discord server............
Auf diesem Server geht es um den Minecraft Server GrieferGames.net. Du musst GrieferGames.net aber nicht kennen, denn wir haben auch viele andere dinge die nichts mit GrieferGames.net zu tun haben. Was wir bieten: 24/7 Musik Aktiven Server Freundliche Supporter Viele Bots mit großartigen Funktionen Viele Sprach Chanel Verkaufs Chanel für GrieferGames.net Info wenn ein GrieferGames.net YouTuber ein Video hochgeladen hat Das Team von Griefer Games freut sich auf euch.