The year is 2020, and the research center grew and expanded throughout the decades. They now have an advanced base located on the edge of the island to have clear access to both the land and the ocean. They have caught more subjects to test and research on as well, containing them at the heart of the base and specifying the containment for each creature's needs. Who will you be? Personnel or subject? 50+ Rp Channels Fun Bots Lots of Character Options Loose Rules Opportunities to grow!
We have at least 1 mod and me with fun bots with fun commands play with other people who are on the server and we will always do our best to make the server better
⊹ ┆Welcome to Squishville~ Home of the squishiest of thighs. Here in our little town of Squishville, we are dedicated to thigh appreciation. We have a large variety of channels and places to talk in, active vc’s, and a friendly, nontoxic community. Our family may be small, but we welcome everyone <3. We offer ┊❥ Active chats and voice channels ┊❥ A verification process to keep out those pesky bots ┊❥ Friendly, nonjudgmental members ┊❥ 18+ verified NSFW section ┊❥ Giveaways ┊❥ Pokecord
Si tu cherches du fun, du délire... viens nous rejoindre et viens t'amuser sur le serveur francophone LA FOLIE AVANT TOUT !! Du gaming, des bots, du fun, un peu de NSFW... tout ce qu'il faut pour bien s'amuser !!!
```"Le meilleur des mondes" est un serveur visant à réunir un maximum de personnes. Ayant pour objectif la discussion sur tout et rien, les arrivants obtiendront leur premier rôle "Gamma" auquel ils auront la possibilité de monter en niveau et donc en grade (Alpha, Beta, etc..) ;``` ```Des bots extraordinaires ! ;``` ```Des débats sont planifiés, organisés et structurés ;``` ```La liberté d'expression est des plus totales ;``` ```Un salon NSFW est à disposition ;``` ```Une catégorie exclusivement réservé au jeu d'échecs, ou des tournois avec des récompenses à gagner sont disponibles ;``` ```La possibilité d'y partager sa publicité pour son serveur ;``` ```Des jeux tels que "action ou vérité" sont organisés! ;``` ```Pour les croyants, la possibilité de partager sa foi avec les autres membres ;``` ```Une sécurité des plus totales grace au bot Raidprotect!```
Lonely and looking for a place to socialize a bit? Tired of all these servers with endless amounts of channels and bots? Then why dont you join and give this one a try? After joining hundreds of servers I have realized that if I want a good one, I have to do it myself. And I need YOUR help. After all, a server is nothing without members. Help me create a place that we can call home! Looking for active people that want to build an actual community.
╔.★. .════════════════════╗ Welcome to Gamers House ╚════════════════════. .★.╝ ♡ if you’re looking for a friendly community, look no further than the void! ♡ :sunflower:What we have to offer::sunflower: ☆~ friendly members ☆~ bots like Rythm and Dank Memer ☆~ continuously growing community ☆~ funny moments in chat ☆~ and much more!