This server was created and is intended to be used as an unfiltered space where you can meme, banter, and go wild as much as you'd like without having to worry that you hurt some insecure admin's feelings, or have said something politically incorrect.
Elkir est une association loi 1901 qui a pour but d’accompagner à la création et la concrétisation d’un projet, via des solutions et des services, et tout objets similaires, connexes ou complémentaires ou susceptibles d’en favoriser la réalisation ou le développement.
Do you enjoy Harry Potter? Are you behind on your studies? Do you want to relax but still get stuff done? Well, then welcome to Fun Timez Study Group, a server based off of the Harry Potter series and our member's motivation to get ahead to ace their tests!
Wir sind das erste & größte deutsche Themennetzwerk auf Discord. Von Multicord kommt man auf unsere verschiedenen Themenserver. Doch Multicord ist kein einfacher Hub. Dort findet man auch Themen, Events wie Werwolf & Forenspiele.
?Welcome to a server like most others but we do weekly events giveaways around holiday,birthdays,And or random days, We also have music bots,Gaming channels,And lots of other things?