*NEW* BATTLE ROYALE MODE! Version 1.10 - 1.20.4 VanillaMC offers a DayZ, Skyrim like experience. With over 100+ Play styles to choose from, Start from nothing, earn Money and experience to build a empire! With a full on Economy and Stock Market, the possibilities are endless. Play on up to 5+ Unique Planets ranging from Easy to Hard. Create and claim anything with /town create. Players joining the server will need a village to join, will you be the empire who rules these decisions? Make your i
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A Zombies vs Humans server made on open.mp/sa-mp clients with unique systems, maps, classes, questions, admins. It has two teams, zombie and human, and zombies should kill humans, and humans should kill the opposite team - zombies. The server is still under big work. Thanks for reading, we hope u will join our discord and sa-mp/open.mp servers! With love from DZA Team