? Zboczony Las to serwer 18+ skoncentrowany na dzieleniu się koneserską pornografią wszelkiej maści i swobodnych dyskusjach o sferze fizycznej. Rozumiemy, że w polskim społeczeństwie seks stanowi temat tabu i chcemy to zmienić! Zapraszamy wszystkie zboczuchy, ciekawskie i towarzyskie osoby oraz lurkerów. Akceptujemy wszystkich bez względu na orientację, fetysze czy inne upodobania - tak długo, jak jest to legalne, oczywiście. ? To serwer wyłącznie dla pełnoletnich!
Twitch/Gamer Community. Everyone is welcome! You can just chat or catch pokémon, or just browse arround in the channel. Have fun <3 Special roles: ---Notifications--- @Jackbox Notify for Jackbox games @movie Notify for Movie nights @Giveaway Notify about giveaways ---Access to certain parts--- @SPOILERS Want to talk about a new movie/show, that's the place to be! @ARK @Diablo @Pokémon Pokécord ---Other--- @BIRTHDAY Set your bday @SPOTLIGHT You are in the spotlight for 1 week (stream promotions)
Welcome to the Dating Channel ! Browse profiles and pictures of singles and flirt online, and chat with people you'd like to date near your area. Free voice and text chat for daters.
Welcome to Werven This Discord server is a chill discord server for people who want to talk, meet new people, and chill out. This is currently a small server and we are looking to grow it as much as we can. This server has: -Various topic channles -Voice Chat and chat for muted members -Self selecting roles to help describe who you are -Chill staff/moderators -Nice social group -Welcoming Comminity If you are looking for a chill server to talk and meet new people, Werven is for you