Hallo erstmal, ich möchte euch kurz meinen Roleplay Server vorstellen. Der Name des Servers lautet RollenSpiel Community. Warum solltest du bei einem GTA 5 Roleplay-Server beitreten? Diese Frage musst du dir selbst beantworten, aber wenn du in deinem GTA Leben Abwechslung suchst ist unser Server genau das richtige für dich. Wir suchen aktive, hilfsbereite, freundliche und RP spielende Spieler, natürlich muss er keine Erfahrung haben.
NSFW, Hentai/Anime Community | Movie Nights & more A Community regarding topics and events with Anime, Manga, Artworks & More We welcome all people regardless of the gender, nationality or whatever, come and join us to be one of the cult. -Anime Channels ✔️ -Artwork Channels ✔️ -NSFW Channels ✔️ -Introductions ✔️ -Roleplays ✔️ If you may have the time, please invite your friends, thanks.
Team Adire e-Sports Community Club, sinds 2003 'After Dire' geboren als Phantic gaming, heeft een trotse geschiedenis in e-sports. Met teams van Counter Strike, World of Warcraft en Call of Duty willen we een van de beste MGC's ter wereld worden, excellentie is ons doel. Met de steun en hulp van onze sponsors zijn we in staat onze doelen te bereiken, omdat onze prestaties ook van hen zijn. Adire is tenslotte niet alleen een e-Sports community club maar heeft ook een eigen sport merchandise, meer
Ein kleiner gemütlicher Voice-Server! Wenn du einen aktiven Server suchst, auf dem sowohl geschrieben als auch gesprochen wird, dann bist du hier genau richtig. Wir versuchen gemütlich im Voice gemeinsam Zeit zu verbringen. (Meist Abends) Finde deine Users, die dir gefallen und verbring mit Ihnen Zeit! :)
New Horizon is a Discord Hub server specialised for the browsing of new or existing Role-play to join or advertise your own. If you're looking for Role-play partnership, staff or a place to network with fellow like-minded individuals then this is the place to be! We have a myriad of various channels catering to particular genres and tastes. We strive to provide a solid and reliable platform for discovering Role-play and making friendships with a friendly and welcoming atmosphere.
DummiesHub is a community forum based on general and webmaster related discussions and sharing of forum resources. We're a great place to receive help and meet new friends and express your thoughts freely.
18+ years old only! Now with free Roleplay server Partnership!) Hope to soon to be NOT your typical super hero roleplay server. Although currently under construction, I am trying to introduce an experience as part of a book series I am writing called the "Man in the Black Hat", a horror based superhero satire based on politics and psychological thrills. Combat and character development is focused entirely on quality of wordplay and active participation of story writing with a simple mod monitored reward system. This is a server where almost anything goes, where any strange and creepy thing can happen, all to your liking.. Go all out and contribute to writing in a bigger way than you could ever thought of before! Make a character and level them up based on an experimental ticketing system! Travel across the united states and visit new cities! Become a super hero, a villain, a merc, a monster, and so much more! Battle figures 20 times your size! Grope them! Make parts of the world your territory to protect or to conquer! Become the strongest living thing imaginable! Write anything your heart desires! Fight cults, government armies, gangs, and so much more! Become your own man! The type of stories presented in this discord chat may not be suitable for most viewers. This is a combat/ adventure/ action/ horror/ whatever genre you wanna practice. Here, we encourage people to go all out. Must be 18+ to join If you like: Sexual themes Violence adult themes gore dystopian settings intense writing Then this may be your cup of tea~!