Bienvenue sur le discord Parkour FR, permettant à tous les traceurs francophones de se réunir, de discuter , trouver des spots de parkour et bien plus ! Challenges mensuels proposés pour les participants, partage de photos et vidéos , aide aux débutants... Le staff est à votre écoute en cas de problème ou de possible amélioration. Une ambiance un minimum sérieux tout en restant accueillant et amusant
Do you have no idea as to why you're even reading this? Well, then you've landed at the right place! We're as clueless as you are. ? What do we offer? ? ☾♢♢♢★♢♢♢☾ ? A Growing Friendly Community ✌️ ? Memes ? ? Anime & NSFW ? ? Art Gallery ? ? Pet Gallery ? ? Fun Activities ? ? Partnerships & Server Promotion ? ? Music ? ? Pokecord ?
Welcome to Waifu Wonderland! A safe haven for waifu lovers to discuss their favourite waifus. We also include everyone, if you love memes and discussions this is the place for you! Our mudae bot allows for countless hours of fun and we have other bots such as pokecord and nadeko. If you have a suggestion drop it in our suggestions channel where they will be voted on by the rest of the server!
Our server lets everybody have a fun and wonderful time! Although we start small, like most people, we're looking to grow large and become a known Community Server. We welcome everyone and anyone looking for friends to be talk to, or even play games with!
Welcome to the Coffee club 熱! A community server for anime, manga and socialising, if you are a new member I give you a warm welcome and a hug. I am happy to have you be here and become part one of us. As well as a normal server with bots and events.Opinions and debateful discussions are welcomed here, as long as conversation remains friendly.
gxside is dedicated to bringing you the best possible server. We have over 20 different things to do from playing minigames or listening to music. Friendly and lenient staff, very little rules, if any at all (check #info). Looking to become a tight woven community, not looking to become the biggest. Just looking for active members, server isn't very active right now, but YOU can change that. Gain levels by talking and climb the server and global level leaderboards !!
Bienvenue sur le serveur Muffin Community ! Dans ce serveur tu vas retrouver principalement : du League Of Legends, Pokemon et Pokecord (pour le moment!) Notre équipe est à l'écoute des membres sur les jeux à ajouter sur notre serveur ^^. Pour avoir une bonne ambiance entre membres, des soirées MUFFIN auront lieu sur plusieurs mini-jeux ou activités =) On espère vous voir très vite et on se retrouve sur la faille ! Bon jeu à tous !
Finally Fantasy RP Balamb Garden is a major location in Final Fantasy VIII, situated east of the town of Balamb. Students (usually orphans) attend school in hopes of becoming SeeDs. Balamb Garden is one of the three Gardens in the world.