hello we are AnimeHub ! We were recently made and we will love for you to come join our community. We offer custom ranks that are within four different categories. We will be adding more categories soon with the recommendations of you guys. We hope you will join us we are actually in need of more players. I want us to be a huge community/family that anyone can just talk to and really enjoy them self. I hope you will be interested! My discord is JayUchiha_#7080 shoot a message if you want!
This server is mostly teens with bad jokes. We have been a server for a long time and are very close. We are always looking for members to breath new life into our community. A lot of us are a bit inactive but there are some of us that, if you do decide to join and stay, you'll become good friends with. We play games like: .TF2 .Jackbox Party packs .Minecraft .Roblox And mostly any other free multiplayer game.
Dedicated to get you to have the BEST roleplay experience within the Half Life universe! We're a new community looking to expand and have a fun community story driven theme by the players! Become a Civil Protection Unit, be a rebel, be a Vortigaunt! Your imagination carries you beyond what your limits are!
```"Le meilleur des mondes" est un serveur visant à réunir un maximum de personnes. Ayant pour objectif la discussion sur tout et rien, les arrivants obtiendront leur premier rôle "Gamma" auquel ils auront la possibilité de monter en niveau et donc en grade (Alpha, Beta, etc..) ;``` ```Des bots extraordinaires ! ;``` ```Des débats sont planifiés, organisés et structurés ;``` ```La liberté d'expression est des plus totales ;``` ```Un salon NSFW est à disposition ;``` ```Une catégorie exclusivement réservé au jeu d'échecs, ou des tournois avec des récompenses à gagner sont disponibles ;``` ```La possibilité d'y partager sa publicité pour son serveur ;``` ```Des jeux tels que "action ou vérité" sont organisés! ;``` ```Pour les croyants, la possibilité de partager sa foi avec les autres membres ;``` ```Une sécurité des plus totales grace au bot Raidprotect!```
this is a server is for general discussions about anything, we don't judge! we won't babysit anyone or kick/ban/mute you for being toxic so get in there and do wtf you want! bots: mee6 (premium), pokecord, dankmemer, notsobot, shinonbu (a nadeko clons with more commands), giveawaybot, simple poll, rythm, rythm 2, dyno, color-chan, and we have a crunchyroll webhook feel free to recommend bots!!
Hello! This is a support server for a roblox game I made! I am in need of members so click that invite link now! You can also become a moderator, manager , or server dev! Also read the rules channel (Rules may vary)
Welcome to kpop~heart! Kpop~Heart is a kpop server where all kpop lovers are free to join, we have fun channels and kpop party nights and aesthetic channels and so much more! we also have events drawing events as well. We are a kpop server where we are slowly growing and growing to become bigger, we hope you will join us in the family!❤
We have quality everything. Quality memes too. If that doesn't interest you. All the people in this discord are absolutely stupid. Wanna be stupid too, just join this discord. You'll become stupid in a matter of minutes.