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Server List // Results for "ITA"
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Votes: 0
Death From Above
A fun, casual community-focused server mainly based on Titanfall 2 as well as a few other games like Apex Legend, WarFrame, and Factorio. We have an active admin team that would often engage with the community.

bumped more than one week ago | 0

Votes: 0
Water Titan's YouTube Group
〚Water Titan's YouTube Group〛 ➪Tons of bots! ➪Level Roles! ➪Reaction Roles! ➪Auto Roles! ➪Partners! ➪Self Promotion! ➪Notifications! ➪SFW! ➪Community Server! ➪Animated Emojis! ➪Static Emojis! ➪Non-Toxic Community! ➪Hiring Staff! ➪Kind Community! ➪Talk about games! ➪Support Team! ≫≫ ≪≪ PLEASE VERIFY AFTER JOINING

bumped more than one week ago | 0

Votes: 1
┌───── •✧✧• ─────┐ -WELCOME!!!- └───── •✧✧• ─────┘ Ellinikos pareistikos server , h vasilisa mas einai h Queen Jinxie , o apolitos igetis aftou tou server , pou prepi na sevese apolita (fun fact: kanis den to kani) opos kai na exei , an pezis lol , vlepis anime , eise toksikos kafros ,gelas me streams tou arxigou (akoma kai an den einai astia), eisai simpoulas kai psaxnis gia ellinikous servers , nomizo tha teriaksis edo!!!!!!!!!!!

bumped more than one week ago | 1

Votes: 1
Mikroastiko plousiopaido me katathlipsi
guys , einai o episimos discord server tou skatopost mimo page mas , lol , an thelete mpite , pite ton pono sas , xalaroste , kai entaksi , kante kai kana like stin selida ,e???? xDDD lololol , pola zitao e? okk.... sad :(

bumped more than one week ago | 0

Votes: 6
Art of Szukalski
Art of Szukalski is an artist hub for digital and traditional media, a place where people can discuss art and share knowledge.

bumped more than one week ago | 0

Votes: 0
entrate se vi piace, l'informatica e gli anime-manga in questo server si ottengo punti con i punti puoi noleggiare waifu(ottieni role) per un giorno... per ora ce ne sono solo due... canali testuali: 1:generale 2:memegen 3:qui-metto-cose 4:nsfw 5:chat-anime-generale 6:eng-chat 7:ita-chat 8:animetalkita 9:animetalkeng 10:karuta 11:spam 12:musica 13:chatperimuti canali vocali: 1:musica 2:cazzeggio 3:visual-anime 4:game 5:dev 6:canale vip privato

bumped more than one week ago | 0

Votes: 3
Server discord nel quale possiamo parlare e giocare tutti assieme, ascoltare musica, condividere meme e partecipare ai giveaways! Il server discord è collegato anche al canale twitch di VicoRollo. (Link:

bumped more than one week ago | 0

Votes: 1
77trades... that’s how many trades it took me to turn my life around. Since then I have made it my mission to teach as many people as I can, the lessons I have learned the hard way, so you don’t have to. Although a lot of people come here for the quality of our signals and analysts, we pride ourselves on teaching our members how to be financially literate. Our goal is to be able to make all our members self sufficient traders by training them in areas such as risk management, capital allocation,

bumped more than one week ago | 0

Votes: 1
Musician's Circle
Musician's Circle is a place where guitarists and all musicians of all skill levels can come together and talk about everything music and beyond! ⁃ ? Self-assignable roles for the instruments and genres you play ⁃ ?️ Jam rooms to hang out with other musicians ⁃ ? Dedicated channels with a very large library of some of the best-selling books for music theory/performance and other resources to help you learn ⁃ ? A knowledgable community willing to help with questions

bumped more than one week ago | 0

Votes: 4
Witam cię serdecznie ? Prawdopodobnie szukasz serwera Minecraft na aktualną wersję ? Dobrze trafiłeś! ? Nasz serwer oferuje: - Serwer na wersje 1.16 ? - 2 radio boty do dyspozycji ? - Administrację która pomoże w każdym momencie ? - Płatne rangi które nie są P2W ? Zapraszamy serdecznie!

bumped more than one week ago | 0