Join Anarchy, the ultimate multiplayer game 🎮 That takes you through different dimensions and time periods. Fight ⚔️ to survive in various arenas using weapons 🔫 skills, and strategy. ✨24/7 active chats and vcs 🎁giveaways + events daily 🌸 Self assignable, fighter roles 🏵️ Friendly members sfw community Collect NFTs 🤑 of characters, armours, guns, and vehicles 🚗 to level up your gameplay. Join the Anarchy community for endless fun and excitement!!!!
INTODUCTION Penguin Paladins is a groundbreaking NFT project that combines the excitement of digital collectibles with the immersive experience of storytelling. The project seeks to revolutionize the NFT space by offering a continuously evolving penguin story, valuable NFT assets, and interactive community involvement. By leveraging the power of blockchain technology and smart contracts, Penguin Paladins aims to create a captivating and rewarding experience for collectors and fans.
We are excited to announce our new NFT project and we want YOU to be a part of it! Our goal is to create a digital catwalk platform where designers can showcase their innovative and sustainable designs, while also having the opportunity to collaborate with our team to create limited-edition physical products for our NFT holders and their families. This is a chance to showcase your creativity and be a part of the future of fashion. Join us today and let's make history together!
Brushstrokes of Emotion is a healing modality that brings together powerful concepts from art therapy, group therapy, and trauma therapy. We offer weekly art healing classes in cities around the world. The art created in these events is auctioned as NFTs. The royalties we receive from these auctions allow us to sustain our healing program and fund grants and scholarships to pay for mental health services. See our art-healing NFT collection at
AI Fund is an innovative cryptocurrency portfolio manager that uses cutting-edge AI technology to help investors manage their assets across multiple blockchain networks, including Arbitrum and Ethereum.
💎Introduction💎 🗣️Long before space and time as we know it there was a highly advanced society that thrived on the planet Ethreon. Join us as we take you on an immersive experience leading into a new universe, filled with endless possibilities.
Crypto Vegas is an innovative gaming platform that combines nostalgia, entertainment, and cutting-edge technology. It's launching soon on the Binance Smart Chain and promises an unforgettable gaming experience. Players can win big with our Fortune Wheel feature, and we also offer free play. We've integrated NFTs into our platform, which players can earn by completing milestones or collecting tickets. NFTs give players a sense of ownership and exclusivity and enhance their gaming experience. Join
🌟 A different NFT collection . Pictorial and literary arts together. 🎴 Toward Hemelslinn NFT (THL) collection, 10,000 works of art in single “Non Fungible Token” NFTs (ERC-721A) with proof of ownership in the Ethereum blockchain. 🎴 Come and discover its great features and learn about the many utility we have in store for the community. 🎉 💫 Join the Toward Hemelslinn NFT community and become a part of Galaxias . An exciting adventure awaits you! ✨
Découvrez une nouvelle expérience littéraire interactive grâce à notre projet innovant ! GLG COMICS ! Nous sommes fiers de vous présenter notre projet de roman interactif en NFT sur Discord. Les héros de notre histoire pourront être joués par des personnes dans un serveur Discord dédié, en respectant le rôle et le background propre à chacun des personnages. En achetant un NFT, vous pourrez incarner le héros de votre choix et faire vivre à votre personnage des aventures palpitantes, qui seront retranscrites en romans. Ces romans, disponibles en format papier, seront édités via notre partenaire Mais ce n'est pas tout ! Posséder un NFT sur Opensea vous donnera un accès gratuit à l'ebook. Et pour ceux qui auront participé aux aventures des héros dans les histoires du roman, un pourcentage des ventes sera redistribué en guise de remerciement. Alors n'attendez plus pour plonger dans notre univers de roman interactif en NFT ! Rejoignez notre serveur Discord et devenez le héros de votre propre histoire. Tout commença le 31 mars 2023 lorsque l'auteur créé par inadvertance un super-vilain qu'il baptisera Hell-Met. Malheureusement aussitôt son nom reçu ! Celui ci s'échappa de sa gallery et disparu sur internet. C'est ainsi que peu de temps après G découvrait l'existence d'autre super-vilains généré a l'aide de L'IA... L'instigateur n'était autre que Hell-Met ! Bien décidé à conquérir tout internet, c'est lorsqu'il créa Ray Manta, un super héros aquatique que tout bascula. Ce dernier ne voulant pas s'allier au sabotage d'internet vint alors avertir son propre créateur... L'auteur J'ai ainsi créé ce serveur discord pour leurs offrir un refuge qu'ils protègent. Nous nous organisions actuellement pour que chacun trouve sa place et puisse partir très rapidement en mission de reconquête du web !
MummyVerse NFT Club is the first NFT Club which let you play, trade, shop/sale your MummyVerse NFT in multiple Metaverses intern providing earning as NFT Holder. Here at MummyVerse, we believe in the power of the imagination to change lives for the better, in the magic of immersing ourselves in virtual worlds filled with wonder and adventure. We are a team of passionate developers and creatives with diverse backgrounds united by our shared passion for MMORPGs and the disruptive potential of web3