A semi-political server where intelligent conservation is prioritized over-all, though fun is allowed and encouraged. Say what you want and express any ideas, but do not harass individuals and please be polite during arguments. You can be a trial moderator (we need to establish more of a staff presence) and help us improve the server! Color roles! Many custom roles for all the ideologies you can imagine! Political Debate and intellectual discussion!
lost Gamers is a community based on Minecraft, This server needs your help to grow up. Right now Our developing staff is setting up a Minecraft server that everyone can join and play whatever he/she wants. For further Information Join..
Welcome to Ischyros, a country made up of three lands; Haaveilla, Jouska and Sevdah. The world was first established by the Divinitas―the deities of Ischyros―and thereafter occupied by the varyas (half-magic) and magicless. The Divinitas granted Ischyros their children; half-human, with the power to summon their Divinitas ancestors’ powers, such as summoning and controlling plants, fire, or wolves. Will you be the sovereign of Jouska, or a member of the People’s Sanctum? It's all your choice.
Hello there everyone! We're a chill, community server, made to chill and chat about anything , gaming or life in general. everyone is welcome to join and have a good time with a bunch of other unique and friendly people to talk with and have fun with the people yall meet within this fun server! :sunglasses: ◇────◇────◇────◇────◇────◇────◇────◇ ︵‿︵‿୨What The Server has to offer୧‿︵‿︵ : ~Simple layout! Not crowded with unnecessary channels ~Welcoming Community! You'll make yourself home in no time
Welcome to the Coffee club 熱! A community server for anime, manga and socialising, if you are a new member I give you a warm welcome and a hug. I am happy to have you be here and become part one of us. As well as a normal server with bots and events.Opinions and debateful discussions are welcomed here, as long as conversation remains friendly.
Spike's Gaming Discord is a Growing Gaming Community. Also has the community from the Owner Spike's YouTube channel. Make sure to join today to make some new friends! :D
Cześć siemanko! Zapraszamy Cię na nasz serwer Pindzia Corporation. Naszym głównym celem jest ciekawe spędzanie czasu, wspólne granie, gadanie o wszystkim. Mile widziane aktywne osoby, które nie są tylko cichymi obserwatorami. Wymagania? Przestrzeganie regulaminu i kulturalne zachowanie wobec innych :3 Możliwy jest Twój występ w naszych filmikach ze wspólnego grania, które lądują na kanale YT. I co najważniejsze- nie mamy zamiaru tworzyć przepełnionego serwera, chcemy aktywne super osoby <3