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Server List // Results for "ANIME"
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Votes: 2
Age of Shinobi
The inevitable tides of life and death continue to flow despite the end of the third great war, and the cataclysm that only left two nations. Age of Shinobi is a roleplay server taking place in an AU of the popular anime: Naruto. * A combat system that is easy to pick up without at all limiting writer creativity. * * Steady progression that allows the dedicated to earn power over time, newcomers to catch up reasonably, and people with a busy life to stay relevant.*

bumped more than one week ago | 0

Votes: 1
? • Dawah's Lair
Anime & Manga ✓ Friendly People ✓ Gaming ✓ Updates ✓ Leveling rewards ✓

bumped more than one week ago | 0

Votes: 6
Neko vibe
Do you want to roleplay, chat, find new friends? Well Neko Vibe has all of those things to offer. ❀⑅❀⑅❀⑅❀⑅❀⑅⑅❀⑅❀⑅❀⑅❀⑅❀⑅⑅❀⑅❀⑅❀⑅❀ :sparkling_heart: What is Neko Vibe? :sparkling_heart: ❀⑅❀⑅❀⑅❀⑅❀⑅⑅❀⑅❀⑅❀⑅❀⑅❀⑅⑅❀⑅❀⑅❀⑅❀ Neko Vibe is a fun active roleplay place, with over 30+ emotes, where you can have fun acting out your fantasies, Neko Vibe isn't only a roleplay place you can also chat with the wonderful, loving and all-accepting, family friendly community and make life-long friends!

bumped more than one week ago | 0

Votes: 9
Serveur francophone d'animés/mangas/jeux... Rencontre de nouvelles personnes autour du monde qui partagent tes passions! :D

bumped more than one week ago | 0

Votes: 0
Welcome to shounenVerse in this server talk about anime for example dragon ball jojo and black We also have different bots like the waifu bot,jojo stand bot,OwO bot,mee6 and many more. We sometimes do roast battle And we also use rabbit for anime nights Guess what you guys can vote. Hope you enjoy you stay at ShounenVerse.

bumped more than one week ago | 0

Votes: 2
My Hero Academia: Third Gen
Are you interested in My Hero Academia? Do you like Roleplay? Well this server has both, and needs you! Join today to be able to use your own oc's in My Hero Academia: Third Gen!

bumped more than one week ago | 0

Votes: 54
Otaku TV
Je vous présente le serveur Otaku TV Type : Communautaire axée sur l'univers des animes/mangas. Tu trouveras sur notre serveur : -Des bots performants et divertissant. -Des grades obtenus par xp (en parlant) ou en participant à des animations. -De nombreux salons à thème (gaming, animes, musique, informatique et bientôt plus encore.) -Un staff à l'écoute. :cop: -Un système de giveaway en préparation. :tada: :tada: Une nouvelle zone de partenariat/publicité vient d'être ouverte également.

bumped more than one week ago | 0

Votes: 0
We are a cyber community. ☞ This server is all about having fun with people who have the same interest as you. ☜ ╔ Anime? Gaming? Memes? Editing? ╚ We got you covered. we have a Roleplay, level and anti spam system. You can get your own colors and roles. :)

bumped more than one week ago | 0

Votes: 0
Dumbass Rehab
Hi All!! If you are just looking for a place to chill or just looking to make some new friends than this server is for you! No matter what age you are, Dumbass Rehab (funny i know) is a place where you can relax and talk and play games and have memorable nights with the many people you will meet here.

bumped more than one week ago | 0

Votes: 0
Chaotic server where alot of things are aloud and there are ridiculous rules. We support any and all types of fetishes and people including the un expected. CoME JoIn US cause IM NOt GOinG to TELl You twice... or once accually cause this is a dam description not a call. GET YO BUTT IN HERE. pls.

bumped more than one week ago | 0