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Artists Galore
We are a extreme fun and friendly server for artists or people who love art in general. Our focus is mainly anime art, but all the art types are accepted! Come join us if you are an artists and wanna share your art, announce your streams, advertise your commissions, learn how to draw, and make friends! And yes, we drew our icon ; )

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We are a extreme fun and friendly server for artists or people who love art in general. Our focus is mainly anime art, but all the art types are accepted! Come join us if you are an artists and wanna share your art, announce your streams, advertise your commissions, learn how to draw, and make friends!
And yes, we drew our icon ; )

last bump - more than one week ago
Emojis & Info
sweat tenk smug yamete owo nicodab sadcat owocry REEEE UMU Bitconneeeeeect yoh wan shrug solewd sogud YA thonking oemmgee ooemmgee perish hellyeah squidab wokeOwO disgust woa doge kawaiiangry fbi feelsdedman thuglyfe bishplz smugyotsuba plsnobully ricardo nani annoyed concern eviltom gaspmaki hedgehegbite ThanosUgh owoThink weewoo aFrighten stronkcat wutcat noice
Server created: 2017-04-12
Discord Region: US-SOUTH


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