Server de shitpost irónico con memes de calidad y salas de juegos. Contamos con 4 reglas, no son estrictas como los servers otakus. Entra para perder tiempo nivel 100 en memes. DOUDOUDOUDOUDOUDOUDOUDOU
Welcome to Aurora Twilight! We are a growing community of people who want to chit-chat, hang out, and have fun with others! Feel free to browse through the different channels and goodies our server has to offer. - Play with our great selection of bots - Listen to music - Talk with other friendly peeps and make friends - Voice chat - Send memes - Share your stash of pictures, lewdie or not~ - Share your art - Discuss about the anime, manga, games, everything otakuish There is so much more to do! Thank you and we do hope you join AT! We'll be waiting for you here~! add emojis if u want to is the desc too short?
Bienvenido a Kabe senpai Qué o quiénes somos? Principalmente somos streamers en facebook gaming con este nombre El punto del servidor es pasarla bien y hacer comunidad Contamos con: Chat random, y diversión uwu un canal NSFW para los atrevidos, bots lolis que te darán amor cuando ocupes, bot RPG, bots de. Música, links a nuds de celebridades por ejemplo belle delphine
Welcome to Otaku Cafe! ♡ The purpose of this server is mainly around making friends and talking about anime there’s manly things to do here though. You can share art, share your stories and have fun with Senko. You can promote yourself on different social media platforms. We host movie nights and more fun things of those sorts. ♡
Welcome to Otaku Cafe! ♡ The purpose of this server is mainly around making friends and talking about anime there’s manly things to do here though. You can share art, share your stories and have fun with Senko. You can promote yourself on different social media platforms. We host movie nights and more fun things of those sorts. ♡
Venha conhecer nosso servidor, seja um cavaleiro do discord, eleve seu cosmo se divertindo, conversando, jogando, rindo com memes, aqui você já entra como aprendiz de cavaleiro (cargo membro) e tem acesso a todos os canais disponíveis. Nosso servidor tem diversos canais para waifubot, pokebot, mudae, gartic outros bots de jogos, músicas, notícias, interação, divulgação e muito mais!
Je vous présente le serveur Otaku TV Type : Communautaire axée sur l'univers des animes/mangas. Tu trouveras sur notre serveur : -Des bots performants et divertissant. -Des grades obtenus par xp (en parlant) ou en participant à des animations. -De nombreux salons à thème (gaming, animes, musique, informatique et bientôt plus encore.) -Un staff à l'écoute. :cop: -Un système de giveaway en préparation. :tada: :tada: Une nouvelle zone de partenariat/publicité vient d'être ouverte également.