This is a server for creatives (musicians, producers, Youtubers, artists, writers etc.) and not only, ran by a YouTuber/singer-songwriter and Wattpad writer. We welcome you to share your work and encourage positive feedback and collaborations. Things we offer: - self promo and server promo - dedicated categories for musicians, writers, video makers, art & photo - handpicked creations featured weekly in the hall of fame. - non-creative related chat - a safe and positive space
Do you enjoy Harry Potter? Are you behind on your studies? Do you want to relax but still get stuff done? Well, then welcome to Fun Timez Study Group, a server based off of the Harry Potter series and our member's motivation to get ahead to ace their tests!
Znudzeni graniem na serwerach bez przyszłości? Zapraszamy na serwer RiseRP Czego możesz się u nas spodziewać? - Zarząd dbający i szanujący wszystkich graczy - Ambitna administracja słuchająca graczy i będąca dla graczy - Wiele zawodów! - Nowe pojazdy, odświeżony wygląd wyspy - Gwarancja dobrze spędzonego czasu i stabilności W razie pytań śmiało!!!
********************************************************************************************* UPDATE: *Members in this server can now cast spells at each other which has the bot tell if the spell works or not! *We also have wizards chess for all the people that knows how to play chess! ********************************************************************************************** This is a new server and we need you guys, so are you a wizard or witch or someone that enjoys and loves Harry Potter
Hogwarts is a magical place full of magical people. You can be a student, teacher, work for the Ministry, or turn the villain and be their henchman! Taking place 30 years after the battle of hogwarts, all deatheaters and voldemort are gone and new enemies arise to torment the wizarding world!