⋆˚。 El Mundo De Galletita ⋆˚。⋆ •Chat general para charlas de cualquier tema! •Bots no se de cuales xD! •Chat para colocar tus memes, wallpapers y más! •Bots clásicos de musica: Rythm y Groovy •Hay de todo no mentira xD! •Variedad de emotes también mentira xD •Temas varios de conversación con gente chidori •Eventos de anime uwu •Se bienvenid@ a Mundo De Galletita! Se mejorará con el tiempo el sever cualquier sugerencia para mejorar el sever seria muy grato que nos las hicieras saber. :3
Se volete divertirvi un po' questo.... Non è il posto adatto! Deprimetevi mandando meme malati e parlando della vita con i nostri bot! Avvertenze:POTREBBE PORTARVI AL SUICIDIO PEGI 1️⃣8️⃣
Scientists: Welcome to Takmita Institute. Once you start here, you have to move in. This is to be sure that you are not focusing on unimportant things. Because you have to move in, we have made an entire house attached to the Institute, just for scientists! Now there is only a few bedrooms currently, but we can easily build more. Thank you for joining us, here at Takmita Institute. Subjects: Not enough room, so just join and see for yourself!
Welcome to Ischyros, a country made up of three lands; Haaveilla, Jouska and Sevdah. The world was first established by the Divinitas―the deities of Ischyros―and thereafter occupied by the varyas (half-magic) and magicless. The Divinitas granted Ischyros their children; half-human, with the power to summon their Divinitas ancestors’ powers, such as summoning and controlling plants, fire, or wolves. Will you be the sovereign of Jouska, or a member of the People’s Sanctum? It's all your choice.
UFO Sightings is a popular Youtube channel listing UFO videos from around the world. We deliver uncensored content and you are free to submit your UFO video to us. Are these secret military craft or are these aliens showing their presence? We don't know and we don't judge. We just collect the best UFO footage we can find. Our Discord server is a place to discuss about UFOs, aliens and secret government programs.
Hallo & Herzlich Willkommen zur Schaurigen Power Villa! Unser Schwerpunkt liegt bei Nintendo Zeug, was nicht bedeutet, dass alles anderes nicht behandelt wird. Wir veranstalten auch regelmäßig Turniere für z.B. Super Smash Bros. Ultimate und Pokémon! Wir legen Wert auf Aktivität und Freundlichkeit der Mitglieder und würden uns dementsprechend sehr, sehr freuen, wenn du unseren Server beitrittst. Ihr Kapitän der Serververwaltung!
Vi er et dansk community der har servere i spillet Garry's Mod. Vi har kun en server i WW2 Roleplay men, vi planlægger at åbne flere. Vores community hedder Titan Networks som var startet i November 2018. I juli 2019 valgte vi at flytte vores StarwarsRP server fra Garry's Mod til S&BOX. Efter vi gjorde dette besluttede jeg mig i September, at starte en ny server i Garry's Mod WW2 Roleplay. Vi har fokus på at give spillerne den bedste oplevelse på Titan Networks, med costum scripts og et professi
Extraterrestrial Intelligence è un luogo di ritrovo per giocatori in cerca di compagnia. La nostra community mira ad accomunare ragazzi con la stessa passione, quella per i videogiochi.
Welcome to a server centralized around spiritual growth, manifesting, meditation, Christ Conscioussness, and improving the World; one Destiny at a time! All are welcome to talk with others seeking enlightenment and Truth through a solid foundation within themselves. We encourage a healthy lifestyle encircling Mind, Body, and Soul. Life is a team sport, so let's connect and change the things we can for the better!