--- Have a nice stay here at our server this is a nice community of people --- This server is meant for people who like Aesthetics, Vaporwave, Videogames, TV, or movies --- A perfect place to just chill out and have fun --- The more you chat in the server the more you level up your role will go higher --- No one gets banned or kicked here as long as you don't be toxic in the voice channels
The Sloths, is a Discord server to talk to other people about video games, anime, or anything really! Join The Sloths to meet some really nice and chill people!
✵▬▬✵》『??? ? ????』《✵▬▬✵ Hey toi qui regarde cette pub ! Pourquoi rejoindre not a name? - Serveur communautaire Tous jeux, Discord, YouTube - Staff actif, sympa, dynamique - Des giveaways et évents réguliers et intéressants - Une évolution croissante grâce à vous et aux sondages - Salons sociaux ( selfies, partages, poèmes ) - Salons NSFW - Débats intéressants sur différents sujets! A gagner: Argent paypale, Nitro, Paysafecard!
Server que nació por un grupo de amigos que ahora quiere expandir sus fronteras y reclutar a jugadores de todo tipo de Videojuegos, Nos enfocamos principalmente en PC, hablamos Español somos una buena comunidad Server that was born by a group of friends that now wants to expand their borders and recruit players of all types of Videogames, We focus mainly on PC, we speak Spanish, we are a good community