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Server List // Results for "gaming"
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Norsk gaming community! Join nå! Bedre enn alle de andre norske serverene! Vi er faktisk aktive, både i voice og i chat. !! LIGHT MODERATION !!

bumped more than one week ago | 0

Votes: 0
The Official server for the early development of Fantasy MMORPG Gaudious. Here you can chat and hangout with the developers of Gaudious while they work on the game!

bumped more than one week ago | 0

Votes: 0
MorePower (EN)
Welcome in MorePower We are an English community for gamers. Meet new people who also play the same games as you play. Participate in our events and Have Fun! What can you expect? - English Gaming Community - udcac Meet new people and game together - Events by our Event Team - Partners (Coming Soon) - Youtubers/Streamers (Coming Soon) Where are you waiting for? Join us!

bumped more than one week ago | 0

Votes: 0
National Memographic
National Memographic to ostoja stworzona dla wszystkich memiarzy. Serwer istnieje od 16 Kwietnia 2018r. Naszym celem jest sprawić u ludzi uśmiech i zachęcić do dzielenia się nim z nami

bumped more than one week ago | 0

Votes: 0
Gamers official server
Gamers are welcome if you are Gamer hope on here Nsfw Not allowed Chit chat anything about gaming or other Challenges like Truth or dare, Question of the day, Daily challenges, Would you rather and more coming up soon Economy commands and more Memes artwork etc Suggest more and be part of our server and help our server grow, pubg

bumped more than one week ago | 0

Votes: 0
1) Have ANIME FANS! 2) Have GAMING FANS! 3) Have both ANIME & GAMING YOUTUBERS!? 4) Have almost ur favorite music bots like Astolfo, rythm etc. & other bots too. 5) Have special pokemon/pokémon channel for pokemon fans! 6) Have different meme channel. 7) Have a level role System! more u chat higher the level u reach eventually. 8) RP is coming soon!? 9) Weekly events on every Saturday & Sunday night according to indian timezone (indian timezone is 9hrs ahead of usa)? 10) Have mudae bot! make ur favorite anime character ur waifu or husbando!

bumped more than one week ago | 0

Votes: 0
РИС-Русское Игровое Сообщество|RGC-Russian Gaming Community
Уютный, ламповый сервер, в котором вы можете найти новых друзей. Тут есть классные боты, с которыми не скучно. Давай к нам! Мы ждем тебя!

bumped more than one week ago | 0

Votes: 0
Kingdom of Kazoos
Welcome to the kingdom of Kazoos. A small growing community of Weebs. fans of anime, gaming and music And just a small group people. -emotes that would help sport off your nitro. -waifu gacha bot -levels -nsfw allowed in respected channels

bumped more than one week ago | 0

Votes: 0
A Fantasy RP Server
Hello! This is a server where you can just talk, meet new people, and have fun in general, connecting with people through games or other things you're interested in. Roleplaying here is completely optional and you are not forced to make a character in order to stay in the server's community! The Rp's theme is a mix of Fantasy and Sci-fi, a "freedom" to do whatever you like (as long as you don't break away from the lore or feel of rp). Short List of What We Have: Respectful Staff Community Chat Channels (including different channels for different things) Gaming Chat NSFW channels Roleplaying Channels (Need Approval from Staff) With this, I hope to see you in the server chatting away. I will be looking forward in seeing you all in chat!

bumped more than one week ago | 0

Votes: 0
Null Gaming
Hello, welcome to this server if you consider to join our marvelous place. We do MilSim in the game called Arma 3. We have excellent expertise in our MilSim. Ranging from real life military, some of these people know what they're doing. It's all about doing the right thing, we have real educated military among our midst. So feel free to join, wanna be part of a cool squad then just a belly button picker? Come on down to Null Gaming. We don't just play this game, we also have Apex Legends, CSGO, LoL. Everyone is welcome, "Age minimum is 15" Region: EU|NA

bumped more than one week ago | 0