Hello! This is a server where you can just talk, meet new people, and have fun in general, connecting with people through games or other things you're interested in. Roleplaying here is completely optional and you are not forced to make a character in order to stay in the server's community! The Rp's theme is a mix of Fantasy and Sci-fi, a "freedom" to do whatever you like (as long as you don't break away from the lore or feel of rp).
Short List of What We Have:
Respectful Staff
Community Chat Channels (including different channels for different things)
Gaming Chat
NSFW channels
Roleplaying Channels (Need Approval from Staff)
With this, I hope to see you in the server chatting away. I will be looking forward in seeing you all in chat!
Wunderland! A discord server that unites gamers and fellow streamers together to play games and have a lot of fun!
We have music bots, memes, snapchats/selfies, you can promote your own streams here!
We also take suggestions!
[German Discord Server | Deutscher Discord Server].
ihr sucht nach einer offenen und lustigen Community? Dann seid ihr hier genau richtig.
Kommt einfach rauf und macht euch selbst ein Bild von uns :D
Wir hören uns im Channel
A community of people doing anything from gaming, to artists, to writers, and everything in between, you will surely find someone or something here for you to enjoy! If you want to be a part of a fun, friendly server, check us out!