Jesteś z Górnego lub Dolnego Śląska? Zapraszamy na serwer dla właśnie tych regionów! Oferujemy: - dużo kanałów :D - miłą i pomocną administracje - współpracę - darmowe rangi - boty (w tym autorski) I WIELE WIĘCEJ! NIECH ZAPROSZENIE NA CIEBIE NIE CZEKA, WBIJAJ JUŻ TERAZ!
Our server discusses what happened today in the news, in history and in our personal lives so you can follow in the footsteps of great people in front of other people to feel happier, successful and smarter. Events occur a lot and admins are very active!
Welcome to hell We've got shit you'll probably find elsewhere, but in better amounts Meme channel, as well as a channel for a bot shitposting memes Bots for all your needs: phone calls; shitpost; fun bots, you name it Self assign roles (mod and admin is now self assignable) NSFW and porn Mods who aren't gay We're also Open for partnerships With our only rule being dont be a fuckwod, so shitpost all you want Feel free to join us, we'll be busy dicking the jam jar!
CMNTY ist ein moderner Discord-Server mit einer deutschsprachigen Community. Wenn du jemanden zum Zocken suchst, oder einfach nur plaudern willst, komm vorbei ? ?Deutschsprachige Community ?Aktiver Voice Chat ?Aktive Lounge ?Aktive Admins ?Rank System ?Casino *Slots, Crash, Blackjack ...* ?Pokemon ist das deutsche #1 Hytale Netzwerk ⭐ Eigene Webseite: ? Ein eigenes Forum ? Finde neue Freunde ? viel Hytale Emotes ? Gamingcode Giveaways ? Freundliche Community ? über 10000 Mitglieder ⭐ Hoher bekanntheitsgrad ⬆️ Rollen- und Levelsystem ? Events in unserem Forum ⚖️ Aktive Admins und Owner ? Möglichkeiten für Kritik ? leichtes Bewerbungssystem ⚔️ Tuniere mit vielen Preisen ? Nettes und Respektvolles Team
Hi, we are a friendly (slightly toxic) community for people to meet each other! please read the rules in the rule section when coming in. we have people across the world but are mostly of Asian ethnicity and token black people. We also have a VIDEO CALL function on ALL our voice channels. Please remain active and all staff and admin are friendly and willing to talk and interact. BUT ALL NSFW GORE OR VORE MUST STAY IN OUR NSFW CHANNEL.
(100+ Members Strong) | Welcome to the United Democracy of Memeria! We are a server based around a thriving democracy, along with chill rooms to discuss and meme, where the admins and moderators are elected by the people! We have a unique job-system via one of our bots that allows hardworking members to get the recognition they need to run for public office (staff). We're a growing community!
hey! welcome to our server. here the owners and admins will greet you and welcome you. we allow anyone 13-18, regardless if you turn 19 as long as you joined while you were 13-18. we are light hearted and don't have any limiting rules. if you are shy, please don't be scared to come out of your shell! this is the perfect place to make friends.
This server was created and is intended to be used as an unfiltered space where you can meme, banter, and go wild as much as you'd like without having to worry that you hurt some insecure admin's feelings, or have said something politically incorrect.