Conozcan el gran Reino del King Wolf! Recibimos a todos los usuarios! A esos que les gusta charlar sobre juegos, anime, manga, libros, películas, series o simplemente charlas random que vayan surgiendo! Para compartir imágenes random, memes o vídeos tenemos shitposting. Tenemos un canal de música para que dejen las canciones que quieran compartir con los demás usuarios, al igual que un canal de arte para dejar dibujos suyos o de otras personas.
Le Trou Perdu est un serveur Discord communautaire basé sur Garry's Mod ayant pour but de promouvoir un maximum de personnes dans une sécurité maximale et en toute confiance. Vous pourrez trouver des choses utiles comme des scripts perso uniquement donnés sur le Discord et plus. Nous organisons aussi des giveways afin de vous remercier d'être présents sur le serveur Discord, pleins de cadeaux à gagner !
¡Slayers!, estamos aquí para darte una cálida bienvenida a nuestro panteón del Dauntless y nuestra red en donde todos podemos convivir pasivamente. • Canales de ayuda y duda • Menú intuitivo • Auto-roles para describirte • Siempre encontrarás ayuda sobre el juego por parte mía • Sistema de clasificación por niveles intrigante • Apoyo emocional y respeto a todo momento! • Opción de cambiar tu color de usuario Ayudanos a hacer que la actividad crezca co
Have you ever wanted to join a simulation of the United States Government? Perhaps a roleplay based around it? Well, you’ve found it! Here in our server we have the following: Character Creation Elections Plenty of positions within the US government A military A government based off of the US constitution People interested in mock govs Role-players An economy Political System And more! The only thing we need is you, so come on, join us today! Server Owner: John F. Kennedy#3024 Co Owner: cbear
We are a former Cyberathlete Amateur League (CAL) Main gaming team, competitive tournament team specializing in counter-strike competitions. The Durty Underpants Team was founded by Potter (Tim W.) in summer of 2001; from an internet café called iConnect Zone in Chicago IL. Now we normally run daily pick-up games, scrims and competitive match; mostly at night. The Cyberathlete Amateur League (CAL) was one of the largest online gaming leagues in North America with 20,000 teams and over 600,000
Azul's Realm is a community bot server. Azul is an RPG bot that is in progress of becoming public for any discord server. Azul currently has an RPG styled currency system, different types of raffles, 1 click shops with items and an inventory! The bot will offer servers lots of features that mainly still underdevelopment. Join now, to be apart of the alpha version of the bot.
Iin recent times strange anomalies have known to occur with the sporadic opening of rifts throughout the land. It's essence derived from the lake of the grove tearing holes in the very fabric of reality itself giving way to the arrival of foreign species from a distant realm, plane or galaxy. What will you in such a strange and new environment?