In deze te gekke community kun je alles over Manga, Anime, Games, Cosplay, de Japanse en Koreaanse cultuur delen en bediscussiëren. Heb je meerdere vrienden die hier ook in geïnteresseerd zijn? Nodig ze dan gerust uit om onze community groter te maken! Heb je geen vrienden die dezelfde interesses delen? Geen probleem! Hier maak je ze gemakkelijk! is a Payday 2 server used for helping others on Payday 2 with different things like difficult heists, modding, etc so come and join if you need any help with Payday 2 in the slightest.
Bonjour, je vous présente le serveur "Friday The 13th - FRANCE" aussi connu sous le nom de Vendredi 13, pour toutes les plateformes Dans ce serveur tu trouveras ce qu'il faut pour progresser, faire tes défis et monter une équipe sur Friday ! Et c'est multi-plateformes ! **PC - XBOX - PS4 - SWITCH** *Des quiz* pour améliorer ta culture générale :wink: *Des autoroles* pour plus de facilité d'accès :thumbsup: *De la musique* pour se divertir *Des mini-jeux* Et bien plus ! Plusieurs salons pour vous regrouper, vous divertir faire vos pubs et bien d'autres sont à votre disposition ! Allez voir :smiley: *Alors, prêt à retirer le masque de Jason ?*
U.O.S.R WE'RE BACK Union of Occults Socialist Republic is a anarcho communist discord server focused on releasing safe exploits, nation rp, giving free accounts and invite rewards, we only release the best and most trusted exploits, guaranteed to satisfy you. what are you waiting? join us comrades! Slava Soyuz Okkul'tnykh Sotsialisticheskikh Respublik!
⚜️ The Unexamined Life ⚜️ "The Unexamined Life is not worth living." -Socrates A server with one goal: to cultivate a laid-back, wholesome and somewhat chaotic environment with casual philosophical discussion. ⚜️ Tiered Rank System ⚜️ Monthly Elections ⚜️ Laid-Back, Wholesome Atmosphere ⚜️ Server-Wide Events ⚜️ By the Members, For the Members
UV(T)G/UVG is a small server where we play unconventional, niche multiplayer games focusing particularly on Tabletop RPGs. The majority of the communities focus on what the majority of people play, whether it's D&D 5e, Warframe, Fortnite, League of Legends etc. Not here. On this server, we focus on varieties of games that are difficult to find a group for. If this speaks to you, then feel free to join!
Fagots Sans Frontières is a place for those who like to indulge themselves in nerd culture but find it hard to socialize with others about their passion. If you share a common interest of wanting to have simple fun then you're in the right place. Just another place to escape from the real world eh? We're mainly Nasuverse/BanG! Dream centred, but we're open to almost every topic for discussion here! Come join, we welcome with open arms!
If you like anime or other facets of Japanese pop culture, you've come to the right place. Our cafe-style server has wonderful community, lots of cool channels, self-assignable roles and naturally, plenty of interesting anime discussions. Come and check us out, we would love to have you!