Venham meus amigos, um grupo com um nome genérico de uma página genérica do facebook. Nessa terra você verá de tudo, games, memes, shitpost, musica, eventos e etc. Venha se juntar a essa p*taria frenética
- Share experiences traveling around the world and current experiences living abroad - Share previous YouTube experiences with over 180,000 subs and 50,000,000+ views - We have BIG and SMALL Streamers, Gamer Girls, Gamers, and Many More Here: Strong Possibility For Collabs - Giveaways - Gaming - Community - Support - Levels - Roles - Promotions - Anime & Cosplay - Streamers - Friends - Collabs -Social - Chat - Memes - Art - Chill
? Wir sind Seelensilber, die LGBTQ+ Gaming Community. Egal welche Sexualität, jeder ist hier herzlich willkommen. ---------------- Was es bei uns zu aufzufinden gibt! ?|- S U P P O R T - Du hast ein Problem? dann wirst du von einem 24h7std aktivem Serverteam unterstützt ?|- R O L L E N - M E N U - Du kannst dir selber deine eigenen Rollen zuweisen. ?|- 1 8 + - Du kannst von 14-18 Jahren auf unserem Server viele ----------------
A place to game, socialize and meet new people. You assign yourself the roles you want. - No Annoying @everyone tags - Decent Memes - Free Game Announcements - Great Community
For those of you seeking a great place to talk positivity and spirituality this is for you! Here there is nothing but welcoming vibes on a path to reach enlightenment and growth. Discuss LoA, Astrology, Astral Projection and many other wondrous topics about the soul’s capabilities. No one is discriminated against, all are welcome!