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Server List // Results for "TL"
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Votes: 3
If you love kpop, Izone, and meeting new people and friends, then we are the right place for you! What we have for you: ღ A friendly, growing and mostly active community. ღ We have a lot of multi fandom stans, even though the main topic is Izone! If you don’t stan/like them yet, don’t worry! ღ Multiple self-assignable roles. ღ Updates on izone posts. ღ Iz*one and off-topic channels.

bumped more than one week ago | 0

Votes: 0
*✧・゚ little's meadow ・゚✧*

bumped more than one week ago | 0

Votes: 0
Little and CG safespace <3
?Hello, this server is A strictly a AGRE SFW server for anyone 15+. Please come and join us! We’d love to add you to our family?! [{We have features such as:}] ♡preschool ♡Babysitters ♡LGBT+ friendly (there will be no discrimination of any kind) ♡A fun and non-toxic environment for littles and CGs to be themselves. ♡ staff open to ideas! ♡safe space for everyone! Hope to see you soon!

bumped more than one week ago | 0

Votes: 2
Avril Lavigne
Are you a fan of Pop Punk Queen, Avril Lavigne? If so, little fan or huge, you can join *the best damn* discord server and have fun with fellow Little Black Stars. We host listening parties almost every week to listen to either Avril or other artists together via music bot. We are a very welcoming community and maintain a healthy environment here. So, even if you only like Avril slightly or just casually listen to her nostalgic songs, you are all welcome here!

bumped more than one week ago | 0

Votes: 1
Glitter Falls
There is a town hidden by the public's not on any maps and noone has heard of it...this is the town of Glitter Falls, Washington...seems like any other sleepy little town, except this town has a secret...a very sexy secret...those that come in...change...they become...bustier...sluttier...hornier...sexier...the method always changing...but the result is the same...they become bimbos...why?...why does this happen?...what causes these transformations to occur?...nobody knows...except one.

bumped more than one week ago | 0

Votes: 6
My Little Bimbo: Sex Is Magic (Roleplay)
(Anthro) One Day, Twilight Sparkle finds a book in her library that gives her a very special magic, the ability to turn anyone into a busty, giggly, slutty bimbo, including herself! now, a newly bimbofied Twilight plans to bimbofy all of equestria, and nothing is going to stop her, not even the princesses...

bumped more than one week ago | 0

Votes: 0
Kenzi's Cafe
This is Kenzi's Cafe! It isn't really a café but you don't know that :laughing:. It is a server owned by the one and only Kenzi. This is a relatively new server so it is still constantly expanding We have channels for everything, roles you can assign to yourself, bots, and if there a role or channel missing, you can suggest it! This is a place to chat, make friends, and just be social.

bumped more than one week ago | 0

Votes: 0
El Ramsgate
¡Slayers!, estamos aquí para darte una cálida bienvenida a nuestro panteón del Dauntless y nuestra red en donde todos podemos convivir pasivamente. • Canales de ayuda y duda • Menú intuitivo • Auto-roles para describirte • Siempre encontrarás ayuda sobre el juego por parte mía • Sistema de clasificación por niveles intrigante • Apoyo emocional y respeto a todo momento! • Opción de cambiar tu color de usuario Ayudanos a hacer que la actividad crezca co

bumped more than one week ago | 0

Votes: 1
Durty Underpants Gaming
We are a former Cyberathlete Amateur League (CAL) Main gaming team, competitive tournament team specializing in counter-strike competitions. The Durty Underpants Team was founded by Potter (Tim W.) in summer of 2001; from an internet café called iConnect Zone in Chicago IL. Now we normally run daily pick-up games, scrims and competitive match; mostly at night. The Cyberathlete Amateur League (CAL) was one of the largest online gaming leagues in North America with 20,000 teams and over 600,000

bumped more than one week ago | 0

Votes: 1
Azul's Realm
Azul's Realm is a community bot server. Azul is an RPG bot that is in progress of becoming public for any discord server. Azul currently has an RPG styled currency system, different types of raffles, 1 click shops with items and an inventory! The bot will offer servers lots of features that mainly still underdevelopment. Join now, to be apart of the alpha version of the bot.

bumped more than one week ago | 0