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Hello there Are you looking for a chill server to chat and participate in many activities. Well look no further "FerrofluiD" is a multipurpose server that uses roles to customize the server to your liking. We have roleplay, venting, games, community chatting and so much more. See you there, enjoy What we offer: •Community chats •Fun server games •Roleplay scenarios •nsfw sections with bots •Gaming areas •venting •advertising •reaction roles that customize the server •all ages •memes •and more

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Hello there
Are you looking for a chill server to chat and participate in many activities. Well look no further "FerrofluiD" is a multipurpose server that uses roles to customize the server to your liking. We have roleplay, venting, games, community chatting and so much more. See you there, enjoy

What we offer:
•Community chats
•Fun server games
•Roleplay scenarios
•nsfw sections with bots
•Gaming areas
•reaction roles that customize the server
•all ages
•and more

last bump - more than one week ago
Emojis & Info
Server created: 2020-06-24
Discord Region: US-EAST


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