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X-Men rEvolution
X-Men: rEvolution is a Marvel-themed freeform roleplay server that has been on Discord since 2019. We have a mutant-heavy focus, with an eye towards the social dynamics in a world still adjusting to the existence of superpowers. Our game leans more towards street-level powers, with exciting and character-driven storylines Check out our wiki at , then come join us and join the revolution!

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X-Men: rEvolution is a Marvel-themed freeform roleplay server that has been on Discord since 2019. We have a mutant-heavy focus, with an eye towards the social dynamics in a world still adjusting to the existence of superpowers. Our game leans more towards street-level powers, with exciting and character-driven storylines

Check out our wiki at , then come join us and join the revolution!

last bump - more than one week ago
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