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bumped more than one week ago | 0

Votes: 0
【⭐一個整合大量BOT的DISCORD社群伺服器 ! 】 這裡是 FEAR ! 我們整合了許多BOT供大家使用,歡迎大家來聊天打屁或是一起打遊戲,共同討論你有興趣的主題,像是最新的饒舌音樂或是影集/動漫之類的,當然,要創造一個好的環境,前提是需要大家共同守護與維護,尊重/包容/友善缺一不可,FEAR 歡迎你 !

bumped more than one week ago | 0

Votes: 0
欢迎大家加入本社区~社区主要用来聊天,交朋友,学习中文等等。社区内大部分为华人,语言以中文为主,特点和谐 友善 包容,拥有丰富的专题频道。其他语言者也非常欢迎,提供global chatting频道🥰

bumped more than one week ago | 0

Votes: 2
Temu (Share For Share)
This is a Server Based on Temu to Allow For Users to Gather Around and Share Their Codes From Temu Activities. If You Don't Know What Temu is, Temu is a Chinese E-Commerce Platform That Allows Manufacturers in China to Ship Their Products Directly to Consumers in The U.S. Often Times, These Products Are Sold to You at a Significant Discount.

bumped more than one week ago | 0

Votes: 0
 OKX Chinese Official Community
OKX: Better Future:Game ON.Discover crypto, built on top of the world’s most powerful exchange.

bumped more than one week ago | 0

Votes: 1
Power study universes 权习宇宙
What's up everyone. Here is the Power Study Universes! This is a "universe" group with recreation areas, life areas, study areas and so on. We can communicate in this server. We usually use mandarin in this server, people also can learn Chinese in here Please join us! We will be there or be square.? 大家好。这里是 Power Study Universes!这是一个拥有休闲区、生活区、学习区等的“宇宙”群。我们通常都是用华文沟通,大家可以在这里学习华文。我们可以在这个群组上进行交流。请加入我们!不见不散。?

bumped more than one week ago | 0

Votes: 1
Online Languages ®
Online Languages is a dedicated server hosting interactive language-related activities: learning, teaching, studying, translating and exchanging. We Offers: English, French, Arabic, Turkish, Portuguese, Italian, Hindi, Russian, Spanish, German, Dutch, Polish, Chinese and much more..

bumped more than one week ago | 0

Votes: 0
KP Community
?KP Community is a discord server where Kpop Stans and anime lovers can come and learn Korean, Japanese, Chinese, Thai and many other Languages as well!? ?We support LGBTQ+ and BLM? ?We also have fun Game Nights, Movie Nights, Kpop Quizes and Karaoke!? ?We will also be doing Nitro Giveaways!? ?Come Join KP Community as we continue to grow! Hope to see you and hope to see you stay!? ?Join Us Today!? ?감사합니다!

bumped more than one week ago | 0

Votes: 3
有愛的BDSM字母群! 《簡稱樂園》由長風基於愛好於2018年4月建立,收集到了全世界不同時區,友善,有愛的小夥伴們。如果妳在尋找壹個友善,有愛,互相尊重,學習,可以安心分享自己喜好的地方,那也許這裏適合妳。

bumped more than one week ago | 0

Votes: 1
This is an friendly international communication server with many diverse people. We are now welcoming people with native languages of german spanish french russian and chinese in particular to join this server. Please when you come in to make sure to read the server rules and follow instructions as listed

bumped more than one week ago | 0