```"Le meilleur des mondes" est un serveur visant à réunir un maximum de personnes. Ayant pour objectif la discussion sur tout et rien, les arrivants obtiendront leur premier rôle "Gamma" auquel ils auront la possibilité de monter en niveau et donc en grade (Alpha, Beta, etc..) ;``` ```Des bots extraordinaires ! ;``` ```Des débats sont planifiés, organisés et structurés ;``` ```La liberté d'expression est des plus totales ;``` ```Un salon NSFW est à disposition ;``` ```Une catégorie exclusivement réservé au jeu d'échecs, ou des tournois avec des récompenses à gagner sont disponibles ;``` ```La possibilité d'y partager sa publicité pour son serveur ;``` ```Des jeux tels que "action ou vérité" sont organisés! ;``` ```Pour les croyants, la possibilité de partager sa foi avec les autres membres ;``` ```Une sécurité des plus totales grace au bot Raidprotect!```
Join one of the most active League of Legends/TFT communities on Discord! With over 13,000 members and growing fast, our server is the perfect place to make new friends, socialize and have fun. Users are always active in voice and text chats and play a variety of games, not just LoL. We have daily giveaways including Nitro and RP giveaways. Everyone is welcome in our community as long as the rules are followed. Our team of staff is active, co-operative and understanding to ensure all members are
Welcome to Game Room, here in game room we are all about trying to grow the community and be a welcome place for everyone Here at game room we offer… Self Roles Gaming chats Voice Chats Memes and shit posts NSFW Access Music Voice Rooms Rank Roles Trustworthy Mods And way more! We hope you enjoy your time here at Game Room
y first Anime server! In this server you can find many cool stuff. -> levels -> giveaways -> self advertising -> bots -> no rules chat -> voice chats -> radios -> suggestions You can always apply for a Moderator or Community Helper! Please join! or be eaten by a army of Lolis...
Callistro is a chill server where you can talk with friends, have fun in the various chats, or listen to music with the music bot, Rythm. new If you ask, you can get the server notified if you go live on twitch using a new bot!
Hello! This is a friendly, safe LGBTQ+ hang out for everyone! So far this server is small and we hope to get more people to make it lively! Here's a sneak peek of what there is! -Self roles -Uno, Hangman, Adventure -Anime, Game chats -Voice chats And many more! Dont be shy! Join the server!
⭐️ Reaction Roles for every class, gamemode, and playstyle! ⭐️ Exclusive chats just for people like you! ⭐️ Active community and growing staff team! ⭐️ Community game nights and giveaways! ⭐️ SFM contests and showcases! ⭐️ Marketplace for TF2 and not TF2 things for keys & scrap! ⭐️ Partnership Program ⭐️ Nitro Boosting ⭐️ Team Building ⭐️ Advertising Chats ⭐️ No Donor Elitism or Roles ⭐️ No Drama ⭐️ No Abusive Staff ⭐️ Second Chance Events for banned members ⭐️ Fair punishments