IRC, Jabber und wie die alten Dinger alle heißen, gehören der Vergangenheit an. Coole Gifs, witzige Bots und mehr sind die Zukunft! Deshalb haben wir einen Communityserver erstellt, der sich rund ums Thema hacken und Technik dreht. Ihr seid herzlich eingeladen, über Windows, Linux, Android, iOS und andere Themen zu diskutieren. Wichtig ist, dass der gute Ton bestehen bleibt!
Code Together is a coding server for people who like to help each other. Like to code? Then join this server! It's a fun place for beginners to full-stack developers, there's a place for all major programming languages. What we have to offer: - channels dedicated to a certain topic, for example, front-end, hosting, etc. - channels dedicated to certain programming languages - a special role for developers that really know how to code/have made a big thing
The Secret Intelligence is a team who focus on providing you with quality free and open source software to assist with hacking and everyday development, if you are a full stack programmer or a newbie trying to learn new stuff TSI is the place for you!
Thanks for checking out 6am! This server is primarily focused on development (e,g hacking). Sometimes, we create bots. Other times, we mess around making weird programs. But at most times, it's quite a fun community to be in. If you like the sound of this, visit us ;) We love meeting new developers. Everyone's ideas are welcome. Thanks.
HackerspaceOne is a Server for all people wich are interested in whitehat hacking, cybersecurity and programming. We are a friendly community wich helps each other out. We host weekly events where you are being challenged to code, decrypt or solve something.
Bonjour. Nous sommes une communauté centrée sur l'univers de la sécurité informatique ou SysAdmin. Avec un systeme de challenge, vous pourrez apprendre les bases de la sécurité. Le serveur est donc ouvert pour débutant ou confirmé. Nous n'encourageons en aucun cas le hacking malveillant, vous êtes libre de parler de ce dont vous voulez du moment que ça reste correct et dans le respect de tous.