Welcome to The Dinner Table! We are a Discord debate server where members can engage in lively and respectful discussions on a wide range of topics. We encourage open-mindedness and critical thinking, and strive to create a safe space for people to express their opinions and perspectives.
A Discord server that encourages free and open dialog across all disciplines and topics. Moderated debates are hosted weekly and streamed to twitch.tv and YouTube. Participate in moderated debates, or simply observe from anywhere in the world, interact with other passionate debaters in text, voice and video channels, or chill in the grotto!
The Power Fandom Server is a place full to the brim with both quality Star Wars debaters for both canon and legends and knowledge on the verse. We have countless quote channels for specific characters filled with insightful quotes on said characters, from both novels, Star Wars officials, and other Star Wars sources. We debate and discuss all timeframes of the verse, from the Old Republic to the New Jedi Order, and many more.
- High IQ - discussions - opinions - debate - politics - religion Our mission is to provide you with a disturbing, open, and above all uncivil community for conversation and debate. We have a specific focus on politics, but we also.... encourage topics of all kinds. Everyone with civil or uncivil thoughts and perspectives to share is welcome. The exercise of the intellect. excessive emphasis on abstract or intellectual matters, especially with a lack of proper consideration for emotions. Philos
Welcome to Alexandria - Nuked at 500 and 300 members - Based - We are a friendly debate server DEBATE TOPICS: - Right VS Left - LGBTQ vs anti-lgbtq etc -Tolerance isn't kindness, Narcissism isn't self respect This application just like every other social media out there is was created to disarm you, demoralize you, feminize you, weaken you, and make you antisocial, narcissistic, apathetic, and clueless. But not this server. Sofa extremists who preach hate crimes from the safety of their moms
We are friendly debate community. DEBATE TOPICS: - Right VS Left - LGBTQ vs anti-lgbtq etc -Tolerance isn't kindness, Narcissism isn't self respect This application just like every other social media out there is was created to disarm you, demoralize you, feminize you, weaken you, and make you antisocial, narcissistic, apathetic, and clueless. But not this server.
Discourse is a space designed to facilitate civil debate and discussion. Welcoming a wide range of political views pertaining to any ideology, tradition, religion, and philosophy, we seek to create an atmosphere of engagement. Do not hesitate to come and acclimate yourself in the spirit of discussion. ? philosophy ? politics β economics βοΈ religon ? debates
Welcome to the ?Space Geek Squadron! ?οΈ We are home to a collection of Space Geeks, Rocket Geeks and Astronomy Geeks, to hang around and chat about our favourite topics! Engage in fun debates, discussions, events and more at the Space Geek Squadron!
Join Debate Club, a safe and welcoming community that allows you to explore new ideas and challenge yourself by exposing yourself to new and different beliefs and ideas