Do you own a Discord Server?

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Server List // Results for "PI"
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Votes: 3
Code Together is a coding server for people who like to help each other. Like to code? Then join this server! It's a fun place for beginners to full-stack developers, there's a place for all major programming languages. What we have to offer: - channels dedicated to a certain topic, for example, front-end, hosting, etc. - channels dedicated to certain programming languages - a special role for developers that really know how to code/have made a big thing

bumped more than one week ago | 0

Votes: 1
Welcome to Feeesh! We're a community server that encourages nice and friendly interactions with people that enjoy the same fish hobby as you! We ensure that everyone is welcome and that your voice will be heard in this wonderful group we call home. Our goal is to have a fish community that's welcoming for beginners and experts in the hobby. We liked to keep the atmosphere relaxed and welcoming around here, so please try and keep it that way. With that being said, enjoy your stay!

bumped more than one week ago | 0

Votes: 0
Hey! Du, ja genau Du. Wir suchen noch Member in unseren GØD Clan :100:(Gods of destruction):100: ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Auf welchen Plattformen sind wir vertreten? Es ist Egal auf welcher Plattform du spielst! Jeder ist Willkommen. ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Was können wir dir anbieten? -Ein nettes Team mit viel Humor -einen gut aufgebauten Discord-Server -und vieles mehr!

bumped more than one week ago | 0

Votes: 0
Train Sim World Germany
Lieber Besucher; Dieser Discord Server (Train Sim World Germany) richtet sich an deutschsprachige Spieler, Fans sowie Modder für den TSW. Dieser Server ist aktuell noch im Aufbau. Jedes neue Mitglied ist herzlich Willkommen. Ich suche auch noch helfende Hände die Posten auf Moderator oder auch Administrator übernehmen. Wenn du Interesse hast aktiv an der Community teil zu nehmen, melde dich doch einfach bei @Verkehrsminister oder einem @Bereichtsleiter .

bumped more than one week ago | 0

Votes: 10
Wumpus Advertising
Wumpus Advertising was established with the purpose to help your server grow at a rapid rate. We teach you and have information on how you can make the best out of your server. Most of our visitor were successful in following these simple steps. What do we offer ? Unlimited advertising of both your server and your social media BOTS that shows more than 1,000 servers No slowmode enabled Fun games Music Meet new and fun people What’s New ? We now support all of the following below : Dutch Chat Room German Chat Room French Chat Room Spanish Chat Room LGBTQ Chat Room

bumped more than one week ago | 0

Votes: 0
Anime Hub
★ We are Anime Hub ★ 『 Hello! Welcome to *Anime Hub, a chill, fun, SFW (with additional NSFW chats) community server with over 400 where anime fans can meet new people with the same interests such as gaming, anime or life in general and make some new friends! We hope that you will enjoy your stay here! 』 ~ ★ WHAT WE OFFER ★ ୨˚୧ WELCOMING COMMUNITY - We want our members to feel safe and welcome, with lots of different and lovely friends to meet! We welcome everyone in our server regardless of sexuality, religion or race in Anime Hub! ~ ୨˚୧ FUN ACTIVITIES -We host lots of different events like Game nights, Movie nights, active Voice chats, Giveaways and a big variety of Bots, such as mudae, pokecord and tatsumaki to play arounnd with too! ~ ୨˚୧ LOTS OF ACTIVE CHATS -in Anime Hub we have a diverse group of active users who like to talk in chat a lot. We Have many channnels to choose from for specific topics however we made an effort to make the UI look fresh and easy to use! ~ ୨˚୧ BIG VARIETY OF ROLES -We offer lots of self-assignnable, colourful roles which you can easily optain by simply reacting to a message! ~ ⊱ ──────ஓ๑♡๑ஓ ────── ⊰

bumped more than one week ago | 0

Votes: 1
Welcome to the Dating Channel ! Browse profiles and pictures of singles and flirt online, and chat with people you'd like to date near your area. Free voice and text chat for daters.

bumped more than one week ago | 0

Votes: 0
- werven -
Welcome to Werven This Discord server is a chill discord server for people who want to talk, meet new people, and chill out. This is currently a small server and we are looking to grow it as much as we can. This server has: -Various topic channles -Voice Chat and chat for muted members -Self selecting roles to help describe who you are -Chill staff/moderators -Nice social group -Welcoming Comminity If you are looking for a chill server to talk and meet new people, Werven is for you

bumped more than one week ago | 0

Votes: 0
Titan Networks (Official)
Vi er et dansk community der har servere i spillet Garry's Mod. Vi har kun en server i WW2 Roleplay men, vi planlægger at åbne flere. Vores community hedder Titan Networks som var startet i November 2018. I juli 2019 valgte vi at flytte vores StarwarsRP server fra Garry's Mod til S&BOX. Efter vi gjorde dette besluttede jeg mig i September, at starte en ny server i Garry's Mod WW2 Roleplay. Vi har fokus på at give spillerne den bedste oplevelse på Titan Networks, med costum scripts og et professi

bumped more than one week ago | 0

Votes: 1
Survivors Club
Soo our server is a complete dumpster fire, but you know... that's okay.. Our server is a place where you can make friends, stan k-pop and stuff, post memes and aesthetic pics, annnnnd just be loco. Join our server idots, plz.

bumped more than one week ago | 0