Established in 2019, Warden Gate is a multi-gaming clan that strives for success in hopes of becoming the very best. Together we strive to always uphold the clan values of Perseverance, Sportsmanship, & Fellowship. Sound inciting? Join today!
✵▬▬✵》『??? ? ????』《✵▬▬✵ Hey toi qui regarde cette pub ! Pourquoi rejoindre not a name? - Serveur communautaire Tous jeux, Discord, YouTube - Staff actif, sympa, dynamique - Des giveaways et évents réguliers et intéressants - Une évolution croissante grâce à vous et aux sondages - Salons sociaux ( selfies, partages, poèmes ) - Salons NSFW - Débats intéressants sur différents sujets! A gagner: Argent paypale, Nitro, Paysafecard!
Welcome to Gorgo's Paradise! Small cozy community that is welcoming to everyone! We would love to get to know you. ?self roles ? interactive bots ? listen to music together ? make new friends ? talk about anything random ? Custom emotes ?All users are required to accept rules in #rules before getting started!
circus_tent Zapraszam cię do Memolandu! Co oferujemy? circus_tent sunglasses ┋Dużo emoji w tematyce memów! construction_worker ┋Prace np. Maskotka, Ochroniarz itd. package┋ Boxy do otwierania! grinning ┋Miłą i ograniętą administrację! moneybag┋ Nowy sposób zarabiana! art┋ Kolory do rang! smiley ┋Rangi 4Fun grin ┋I wiele więcej! Serwer jest w fazie rozwoju, więc prosimy o wyrozumiałość
Artist’s Enclave is a place for artists and art lovers (digital, traditional and photographers) to feel free to explore, share, socialize, help yourself and others with feedback, and of course express your own creativity. Our aim is to create a hub of artists at all levels, beginner, intermediate, pro where we can build each other. And if you're looking to start art, stop by too, we'll help you out. We currently host group drawing sessions where we come together, listen to music and draw.
Prêt à renoncer à ta vie sociale (fais pas genre toi et moi on sait déjà que t'en as pas) pour intégrer notre culte du chaos ? Bienvenue sur PANIC CULT. Notre description 1.0 disait « pas de règles, pas d’autorité, pas d’organisation ». Spoiler alert : y’a toujours pas de règles, j’ai toujours le monopole du pouvoir et niveau orga c’est toujours pas ça mais y’a du progrès. Si t'as connu la PANIC ARMY, c'est toujours nous, en mieux (?).
Group of non-monogamous people in the area north of LA who enjoy socializing with like minded people. Santa Clarita Valley, Antelope Valley, and San Fernando Valley.
club penguin army with .Daily events .activities .promos .rank system The moonlight Forest Penguins Came together to form the fantasy force to fight the great evil taking over their home Join us for events activities and way more! .great community .moderator and staff positions .bots