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Server List // Results for "SSO"
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Votes: 0
Então tudo bem? Venho por este meio convidar te para a minha comunidade das Forças Unidas, VTNTV! Nós possuímos proteção pelos direitos de autor, por isso não poderá ser copiado qualquer coisa oficial nossa.. Quando entrares irás ver outro tipo de organização diferente nos outros servidores, algo mais criativo e apelativo é o nosso objetivo! Entra tenho a certeza que irás gostar! Produced by í ɑʍ Եհҽ ժɑɾƘղҽՏՏ#1919 official VTNTV United Forces Link:

bumped more than one week ago | 0

Votes: 4
Yancord ?
╔ ———————————————————————————— ╗ ❅──────────────────✧❅✦❅✧──────────────────❅ While the term "yandere" is mainly associated with the fictional trope in anime, obsessive love is a very real condition. Yancord exists to provide a safe and supportive environment for people who suffer from this condition, aka those who resonate with yandere. Of course fans of this phenomenon are welcome with opens arms! ❅──────────────────✧❅✦❅✧──────────────────❅ ╚ ————————————————————————————— ╝

bumped more than one week ago | 0

Votes: 0
Plural Languages
This server is a new language learning server, but plural system friendly! I could notice that tulpamancy ressources are mainly in English, but I have talked with people who don't understand English very well. . So on this server you can chat about plurality and such or not in any language! Singlets (you if you're alone in your head xD) are welcome as well. The server is still under construction, but you can still join. And we're searching for moderators and emojis creators.

bumped more than one week ago | 0

Votes: 2
Rick and Morty/Gravity Falls Rp
Rick and Morty / Gravity Falls roleplay group with literate writers. You can roleplay as canon characters or an OC of yours! Do you have a Rick and Morty OC or a Gravity Falls OC that you want to rp with? Feel free come by and see what we have to rp wise! We are relatively new and could use a few more people! This is a server for those who want to rp Rick and Morty and or Gravity Falls, you can also rp a crossover of the two if you prefer. Feel free to join if you like. Don't want to RP? Well then, feel free to just make friends or whatever you want!

bumped more than one week ago | 0

Votes: 0
Discord Server Central
Rick and Morty / Gravity Falls roleplay group with literate writers. You can roleplay as canon characters or an OC of yours! Do you have a Rick and Morty OC or a Gravity Falls OC that you want to rp with? Feel free come by and see what we have to rp wise! We are relatively new and could use a few more people! This is a server for those who want to rp Rick and Morty and or Gravity Falls, you can also rp a crossover of the two if you prefer. Feel free to join if you like. Don't want to RP? Well then, feel free to just make friends or whatever you want!

bumped more than one week ago | 0

Votes: 0
Nintendo Brasil
Servidor brasileiro dedicado aos fãs da Nintendo. Aqui você poderá interagir com outros usuários conversando sobre o que você mais gosta: Zelda, Mario, Pokemon, Super Smash Bros. e muito mais. Conhecer pessoas novas, criar amizade, jogar junto... e o melhor de tudo, com o que você está familiarizado. Venha e faça parte do servidor Nintendo Brasil.

bumped more than one week ago | 0

Votes: 0
Switch Brasil
Servidor brasileiro dedicado aos fãs da Nintendo. Aqui você poderá interagir com outros usuários conversando sobre o que você mais gosta: Zelda, Mario, Pokemon, Super Smash Bros. e muito mais. Conhecer pessoas novas, criar amizade, jogar junto... e o melhor de tudo, com o que você está familiarizado. Venha e faça parte do servidor Nintendo Brasil.

bumped more than one week ago | 0

Votes: 1
┏╋━━━━━━◥◣◢◤━━━━━━━╋┓ :fish: BlueBlue-Community :fish: ┗╋━━━━━━◢◤◥◣━━━━━━━╋┛ `**BlueBlue-Community** est réparti sur plusieurs plateformes / a plusieurs servers discord reliés entre eux.** | ?BlueBlue-Community?|?BlueBlue-MiniGame?|?BlueBlue-Radio|?BlueBlue-...?C'est un server communautaire qui parle principalement de poissons mais aussi de pliens d'autres choses ! ` ;)

bumped more than one week ago | 0

Votes: 0
Persona crossover rp
I've noticed everywhere I look for a persona rp server on discord there is no crossover characters. I'm here to change that so in case if people also want to rp as someone from another game in the persona universe please come on by and I hope to see this server flowing with activity in due time

bumped more than one week ago | 0

Votes: 1
The Authorities
The Authorities is a casual gaming community looking for members of all experience levels. Come join us in creating a lasting bastion of video games and nerdy banter about tech, anime, and other assorted geek things. Help us expand into new games, and enjoy playing in the ones we already support. Our members play a variety of games including Final Fantasy XIV, Destiny 2, Atlas, Ark, Apex, Path of Exile and more. Come join us, make friends and play some games. We also have a partnership deal with the following servers. Who we coordinate with to host events, get togethers and various activities to provide content and entertainment for members. Fate/Chat Deviant Lounge ****Monthly rewards and giveaways**** We are looking for a recruiting officer. You will paid for your time and efforts. Contact TA discord staff if interested and for payment negotiation.

bumped more than one week ago | 0