Welcome to The Horror Network! Our goal here is to provide a friendly place to chat about all things horror. Whether it's movies, shows, books, comics, or podcasts, we've got you covered. We have a small, but dedicated group of people here, but we've also got a daily news feed, our weekly Watchalongs, and book club! So drop in and chat with us, show off your artwork, promote your own horror creations, get some horror movie recommendations, or just lurk in the shadows...
PS5, Xbox Series X and GPU tracking discord. We help members secure PS5, Xbox Series X and GPU. We are fast at finding drops and notifying members ASAP. We often host giveaways as well! We also run a Minecraft server version 1.17. Come join our community! - We will never ask for donation. - We do giveaways from our own $$$. - We are happy to help you secure PS5|XBOX|GPU. - We have an awesome discord community. - We will never ask for donation like other servers.
Self Promotion Network & Nitro Giveaways! ✅ Self Promotion! ✅ Nitro giveaways! ✅ Partnerships! ✅ Find Staff, Work, Services, Partners & Server Boosters! ✅ 18+ channels ✅ And more! We are an advertising server. On this server you can promote your discord server FOR FREE! You cannot only promote your discord server, there are also chatting rooms and voice channels, where you can have fun with other members of this discord server. There are also giveaways, where you make a change to win disco
Tinder is a 13+ Discord networking and online dating server that allows users to date and have fun with the fellow members. (This server is new and joining will be really appreciable) Oh and yeah Did I mention there's free porn here?
Affinity Gaming Network is committed to providing the best experience for anyone that's looking for a community of like-minded gamers. We have several different games on the network with more being added over time. There's something for everyone at AGN. We have custom Minecraft plugins, Custom Discord bots, and a friendly team of helpers and members if you ever get stuck on the server.
Welcome to the Teen Pride Network! We are a community for teenagers 13-18 to be able to have fun, feel safe, and vent. Things we have include: ?? LGBTQ+ members and supporting allies ?? Lots of customizable roles ?? Fun, interactive bots ?? Game, movie, and interactive events ?? Custom trained and trusted staff Come on in and join the network of lgbtq+ teens!
New Competitive Gaming Server! - community for all major games - tips, tricks, strategies - buy, sell, trade accounts - achieveable roles - network, meet, engage with new people - and a whole lot more!