let's turn up some bulbs sharing electronics and mechanics knowledge together work on projects tutorials and videos for newbies daily voice chats and chill out and ofc a lot more
Learning C++ we also recently added Rust and Python (and Java) participate in projects weekly tutorials making games and software daily Voice chats about programming
1 + 1 = ? if you know the answer of this equation, then you are welcome a place for learning mathematics, geometry, algorithms and whatever related to it we also try to have video tutorials per week daily voice chat and sharing knowledge and a lot more
We are a fun break for adults (18+), with videocall parties, party games, and everyone is face-on-camera. We are drink/smoke friendly, no hard drugs on cam, please. Strangers become friends and for many, we're a second family. We love meeting people so please give The Tavern a try! Anxious or a bit shy? Newcomers feel most welcome in The Tavern! RULES: - MUST be face on cam in our calls, no exceptions. Use phone with computer if needed. - MUST be an adult (18 or older), speak coherent English